Home » Stop arms to Israel? Berlin is also thinking about it: “The discussion is ongoing.” After the attack on October 7, Germany is the second largest supplier

Stop arms to Israel? Berlin is also thinking about it: “The discussion is ongoing.” After the attack on October 7, Germany is the second largest supplier

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Stop arms to Israel?  Berlin is also thinking about it: “The discussion is ongoing.”  After the attack on October 7, Germany is the second largest supplier

Also there Germania is considering whether to discontinue the military supplies ad Israel. “It is currently under discussion, I cannot answer yet – says the Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius to the German media during a visit to Washington – competence lies first and foremost in the Chancellor’s Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I’m in Washington now. Naturally behind closed doors We exchanged opinions about it, but it’s not my job to announce decisions now.” A few days ago the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kathrin Deschauerwhile underlining the Israeli right to defend its population and return the kidnapped hostages, he reiterated that an operation Rafah it would be “a foretold humanitarian catastrophe”, after all Hamas “plays a cynical game” on the skin of civilians. For Germany the right of existence of the Jewish state it is reason of state and most of the German authorizations for arms exports followed the attack by the Palestinian Islamists on 7 October, rising to second supplier after the USA.

The Berliner Zeitung had reported a few weeks ago about the appeal against the Federal Republic of Germany three Palestiniansassisted by seven lawyers, with the humanitarian organization “European Center for constitutional and human rights” and other bodies, to the administrative court of Berlin, for ban the export of weapons ad Israel. According to data cited by the newspaper, Germany would have some until November 2023 delivery tenfold compared to the previous year and a tenth of the volume concerned weapons of war. The appellants criticize in particular the supply of 3 thousand anti-tank howitzers also suitable for destroying civil infrastructures. The court asked the German government to explain by May 15 the criteria according to which the weapons are supplied to Israel without violating international law. The Court therefore assumes that no surrender falling under the Law on the Control of Weapons of War takes place before the resolution of the pending urgent appeal. Furthermore, Berlin has already successfully rejected an urgent appeal by the German Federal Criminal Court before the International Criminal Court in The Hague Nicaragua aimed at blocking arms exports to Israel. There Berliner Zeitung cites, in other ways, the precedent of a court in the Netherlands which blocked the delivery to Israel of replacement parts per F-35 fighter aircraft and adds that also the Canada in March it blocked military supplies.

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The balance of Berlin is questioned in the protests university, as the various episodes of the last week suggest. After the police eviction of a pro-Gaza campus in free University Of Berlininvoked by rectorate per anti-Semitic slogans e fires from the flag Israeliin an open letter a hundred university professors they sided with the demonstrators. The German Minister of Education Bettina Stark-Watzinger (liberal of the FDP) said she was shocked: “They really have to orient themselves towards the Constitution.” The ambassador of the Palestinian Authority to Germany Laith Arafeh he instead commented to the Dpathe main German news agency: “The margin for the faculty of expression and the academic freedom regard Israel and the war on Gaza continues to shrink.” AtUniversity of Hamburgafter a debate on theanti-Jewish hatreda 26-year-old listener got into a fight with the speaker, a member of the board of the Germany-Israel Society.

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