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Campobasso-Termoli: a party that never ends

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Campobasso-Termoli: a party that never ends

Campobasso and its fans really don’t want to stop celebrating the fresh promotion to Serie C so much so that, for this last championship match, a real ticket hunt is unleashed for all the sectors currently available, with the addition of the south curve, unfortunately given the absence of the visiting fans due to yet another sad ban.

There are 7,500 rossoblu fans who fill the stands, with a glance from a higher category and who for next season, for the higher category with which they will have to compete, hope for the opening of the Distinti sector, sector which however needs to be brought up to standard.

Business card of Curva Nord Michele Scorrano for this race, it is a splendid choreography that celebrates the victory of the championship: a red and white flag with the cross of San Giorgio, patron saint of the Molise capital, positioned in the center of the sector, divided into two halves waving red flags on one side and blue on the other. the other, while at the bottom the banner “Campobasso returns to being Champion” dominates, the same chorus sung in unison by everyone.

More than in the choruses, which are still widely followed, today the Curva gives its best on a visual level, thanks to the numerous flags waved for the entire ninety minutes; to the usual flags (Bad BrainzNFO and the club Rossoblu passion), are flanked by the new flags of the groups positioned on the balconies, i.e Balcony Flicker e Nzallanut Group.

The scoring in the second half was very beautiful, unfortunately limited only to the “active” area of ​​the North, which was not discouraged even after the goal conceded and pushed Campobasso forward again, releasing a nice roar at the goal of the final 1-1.

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At the final whistle, various red and blue flags can be seen greeting the team who have arrived below the sector to celebrate and join the chants coming from the Curva. Every player, every single member of the club staff and the team joins the party, above all mister Rosario Pergolizzi who, called to give a thank you speech, drops the microphone and runs towards the North, a gesture that is worth more than a thousand words and which he earns the applause of all those present.

After the last ritual photos, the party moves to the city center, with a procession starting from the old stadium Romagnoli passing through the main city streets, enriching them with a beautiful multitude of flags, two poles, torches and smoke bombs, and then returning, after about two hours, again to the stands of the stadium so as not to have to interrupt these magical moments. And from a certain point of view it doesn’t end here, given that Campobasso will be away at Pianese for the first day of the Serie D championship poule, then again at home against Carpi, winners of group D.

Last but not least, a thought goes to the Termoli ultras, who, as in the first leg, in a perverse principle of reciprocity, saw themselves banned from traveling. If the home fans, in the absence of their rivals, choose not to raise any offensive chants, the photo with which Termoli celebrates their salvation by being immortalized posing with the empty sector behind them will have a strong symbolic impact. If the fans should stick to their duties under penalty of daspo, it would be nice if the security authorities also stuck to their duty to guarantee public order without banning without any ifs or buts any event with a minimum of criticality.

Francesco Passarelli

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