Home » Stricter rules in Mallorca and Ibiza to limit nuisance caused by drunken tourists

Stricter rules in Mallorca and Ibiza to limit nuisance caused by drunken tourists

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The areas where “street drinking” is banned are being expanded in Mallorca and Ibiza. — © Shutterstock

The Balearic Islands, the Spanish archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea that includes Mallorca and Ibiza, are introducing stricter rules to prevent nuisance caused by drunken tourists.

Friday May 10, 2024 at 4:55 PM

Playa de Palma and Magaluf in Mallorca and Sant Antoni in Ibiza are the most popular “hotspots” on the Balearic Islands for tourists whose stay is all about partying. However, these parties can sometimes get out of hand and cause nuisance to local residents and the security forces are now more than fed up with this. From Saturday there will be stricter rules that should limit nuisance in the future.

For example, the areas where “street drinking” is prohibited will be expanded and people who are caught drinking alcohol outside the permitted zones will be fined from 500 to 1,500 euros.

In addition, there will also be stricter rules for “party boats”, which will now no longer be allowed to come closer than one nautical mile (1,852 kilometers) from the designated areas. Picking up and disembarking passengers also remains prohibited and party boat operators are also prohibited from advertising in the three areas mentioned above. “Hopefully people will learn how to behave and the stricter rules will no longer be necessary within three to four years,” said Luis Pomar of the Balearic Islands Tourist Board.

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