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China-EU relations have strong endogenous driving force and broad development prospects – Qiushi.com

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China and EU Strengthen Cooperation for Mutual Benefit and Win-Win Results

During President Xi Jinping’s state visit to France, Serbia, and Hungary, the essence of China-EU cooperation was highlighted as complementary advantages, mutual benefit, and win-win results. The visit aimed to enhance mutual trust, boost confidence, and open up future opportunities for cooperation.

With Europe being an important pole in the multi-polar structure, China has always viewed China-EU relations from a strategic perspective. Next year marks the 50th anniversary of formal diplomatic relations between China and the EU, underscoring the importance of cooperation between the two entities.

President Xi Jinping emphasized the need for China and the EU to work closely together to address global challenges and promote world peace and development. By deepening strategic communication, enhancing mutual trust, and building strategic consensus, the two sides can continue to make significant contributions to global stability and prosperity.

During the visit, discussions focused on various areas of cooperation, including green and digital transformation. Both sides expressed a commitment to resolving economic and trade frictions through dialogue and negotiation, while also welcoming opportunities for scientific and technological collaboration.

The European side reiterated the importance of strengthening cooperation with China, particularly in light of the current international challenges. European leaders emphasized the need to respect each other’s concerns, enhance mutual trust, and avoid misunderstandings in order to foster a strong partnership.

China’s efforts in promoting high-quality development and new productive forces were recognized during the visit, with European countries expressing interest in participating in China’s modernization process. Both sides agreed to work together to address global challenges and oppose any attempts to politicize economic and trade issues.

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China and Europe are seen as key players in promoting multipolarity and supporting globalization. Their cooperation is integral to world peace, stability, and prosperity. Moving forward, both sides are committed to strengthening their relationship on the basis of mutual respect and cooperation to benefit their respective development and contribute to global peace.

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