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symptoms, causes, drug therapies and natural remedies |

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symptoms, causes, drug therapies and natural remedies |

Fibromyalgia is a chronic and systemic syndrome. It is chronic because it does not resolve with the passage of time and systemic as it affects multiple organs in our body. There are approximately 2,000,000 Italians affected by it, mostly women. This syndrome significantly affects the quality of life of patients. The average age at which this syndrome appears is around 35 years, while the worsening occurs between 45 and 55 years.

Fibromyalgia is now a disabling disease, what changes?

After the approval of the Chamber of Deputies, Fibromyalgia is considered a disabling disease. From this moment on, the Government will therefore undertake to recognize the pathology as chronic and disabling. However, we must wait for its inclusion in the Essential Levels of Assistance.

When this happens, a medical commission will establish the degree of disability. At this point, patients will be able to request recognition of the disability from the INPS or other competent institutions, thus obtaining economic benefits such as the disability pension or the accompanying allowance. Furthermore, various specialist visits can be covered by the National Health Service.

What are the symptoms and what are tender points?

The typical manifestations of fibromyalgia are widespread pain that can be sharp and burning, completely similar to stabs and/or continuous and very deep. To be able to talk about this syndrome they must last for at least three months.

They can be different parts of the body involved: from the cervical vertebrae to the dorsal and lumbosacral ones, up to the anterior part of the thorax. There are 11 points that cause pain during palpation. These are the so-called tender points. Usually fibromyalgia begins to give signals from one of these points, which coincide with the areas of energy releases that acupuncture uses, and then goes on to affect them all.

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The main symptoms are:

cramps in different areas of the body, swelling and joint stiffness without there being inflammation, swollen face and hands, intercostal pain,
neuralgia widespread, chronic fatigue, headache, toothache, sleep disturbances,
sleep apnea,
irritable bowel syndrometingling in the arms and legs, pelvic pain,
interstitial cystitisnausea and dizziness, cognitive fog, depression, dry mouth.

The diagnosis of fibromyalgia is complex

A syndrome that gives all these symptoms it is difficult to diagnose, because these are common warning signs for many other diseases. This is why on average it takes seven years to reach the diagnosis. It belongs to rheumatic diseases. The referring doctor is therefore the rheumatologist.

The first step is palpation of the tender points. If you feel pain in most of them, you should suspect that it is actually fibromyalgia. As we have already mentioned, tender points are precise points.

Another useful system for diagnosis is to count 7 of these 14 symptoms:

headache, arrhythmia, hand tremors, urinary disorders, excessive sweating, dry mouth, breathing disorders, vertigo and dizziness, gastrointestinal disorders, feeling of obstruction in the throat, depression or mood disorders, pins and needles, insomnia, extremity of cold body.

To recognize the symptoms e don’t confuse them with those of other pathologies it takes a “trained eye”as he explains in video interview Giulio Cavallihead of the fibromyalgia clinic in the Immunology, Rheumatology, Allergology and Rare Diseases Unit of the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital in Milan.

Blood tests

As we said, it is a rheumatic disease. So we need to check through a blood test whether there is a rheumatoid factor. The doctor may also suggest a CT scan or MRI to rule out the presence of joint damage. In fact, it is not present in fibromyalgia, as happens in inflammatory rheumatic diseases.

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What are the causes of fibromyalgia?

Unfortunately, the precise causes of fibromyalgia are not known. However, scientific research has identified some risk factors:

female sex; heredity: experts have noted that it is easier to develop this syndrome if other family members suffer from it. There is the hypothesis that at the origin there may be a genetic mutation that has not yet been identified; suffer from other rheumatic diseases; diseases and infections; repeated physical and psychological trauma; post traumatic stress syndrome.

Giulio Cavallihead of the fibromyalgia clinic in the Immunology, Rheumatology, Allergology and Rare Diseases Unit of the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, explains the different theories.

What are the treatments for fibromyalgia?

We have already said that it is a chronic syndrome. As a result, there is no recovery. But it can always be managed better.

Typically, a pharmacological therapy based on:

non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, such as acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen or paracetamol; analgesics against pain. Tapentadol is usually prescribed; antidepressants and muscle relaxants; Since there is no inflammation, cortisone is not used, unlike most rheumatic diseases.

Fabio Intelligentanesthetist and pain therapist at Humanitas San Pio X in Milan, explains what treatments are available.

Does acupuncture relieve symptoms?

We have already talked about the 18 tender points, which cause pain if palpated. These points correspond exactly to the energy hubs used by acupuncture. Many patients have said that they have had many benefits from undergoing the treatment of an acupuncturist. Among other things, it should be underlined that acupuncture has no side effects, unlike what happens with drugs.

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Are there other effective natural remedies?

An illness that combines organic and psychological components must be treated in an absolutely personalized way. Some patients benefit through massage and physical therapy. Others practicing disciplines such as yoga and tai chi. Moderate, consistent physical activity is important. It is useful to contact a professional. Since there are also gastrointestinal symptoms, following a varied and correct diet is ideal. In this sense it is advisable to contact a specialist. Thermal treatments also have a positive impact, especially the hot thermal waters.

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