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Short, intensive units for more success

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Short, intensive units for more success

Fast runs help burn calories.

Tom Werner / Getty

Research has shown that several sessions per week of short duration and high intensity achieve equal or better effects than one long session per week of moderate intensity. Ideally, you alternate the stimuli and train several times a week with varying intensities. Due to the changing stimuli, the body has to constantly adapt and the training effects are progressively achieved.

With endurance training we are happy to accept that we will also burn enough energy to lose excess kilos. But how do these units affect our calorie consumption?

Basically, the rule is that more energy is converted for the same duration and higher intensity. During longer sessions, the percentage of fat burned is higher than during short and intensive training sessions. However, since the total basal metabolic rate is higher during intensive sessions, more fat is burned in absolute terms than during longer sessions.

Therefore, it is worth doing regular sessions with an increased heart rate, such as interval training. The body also adapts very quickly to repeated long endurance sessions and reduces calorie burning for efficiency reasons. Units with a higher pulse stimulate the metabolism again.

The opinion that you can only attack fat reserves through long basic endurance sessions is now outdated. In addition, the body also creates an afterburn after intensive sessions in order to be able to regenerate better. This effect is of course repeated with several sessions per week.

It is also worth doing strength training regularly, as the basal metabolic rate of personal energy consumption increases with greater muscle mass. Of course, you still need a slight calorie deficit to reduce body fat. So you generally have to burn more calories than you eat to lose mass.

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In summary, it can be said that it is worth training several times a week in smaller portions, incorporating intense stimuli into your training every now and then and also varying them. Body weight can also be influenced accordingly using the energy balance.

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Nora Häuptle is the national soccer coach of Ghana’s women’s team, TV soccer expert and owner of the company Musketeer Coaching & Consulting.

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