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Kaleen: “It was my perfect ESC appearance”

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Kaleen: “It was my perfect ESC appearance”

The meager number of points for “We will rave” at the ESC was unexpected for some observers – but Kaleen was still overjoyed about her performance in the PULS 24 interview.

“It was incredibly great, it was my perfect ESC appearance, that’s why I’m feeling so incredibly well,” she said to PULS 24 reporter René Ach, completely euphoric about her appearance. She enjoyed the performance and wasn’t nervous at all.

Our neighbors from Switzerland won. Nemo won with the song “The Code” the 68th Eurovision Song Contest.

Switzerland had thus left behind the Croatian Baby Lasagna, who was recently considered the favorite. While Nemo 591 points Croatia got 547. Ukraine followed at a distance in third place with 453 points.

Nemo was completely euphoric – and The glass victory trophy broke on the open stage out of excitement. However, a replacement was quickly found. The Swiss act saw the triumph in the Malmö Arena as more than just a personal victory: “It makes me incredibly proud – not of myself, but of our entire community.”

Kaleen doesn’t want to let euphoria “ruin her”

For Austria Kaleen came second to last with only 24 points. Is she disappointed by that? “I don’t want to say I don’t care, but I don’t care (laughs) because for me the moment when I came off the stage was so perfect,” said the 29-year-old. “Why would you let it be ruined?”

There is also good news from Kaleen for future music projects. She signed a record deal. “The ESC was a springboard for me into the wide world Now I’m so excited to see where it’s going.”

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Kaleen will definitely be on stage again in Vienna on Tuesday. She will perform her ESC hit “We will rave” at the 4GAMECHANGERS Festival on Tuesday, May 14th. For more information, see 4gamechangers.io.

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