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Sarah and Marisol are alien, Holden and Petit are always the same

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Sarah and Marisol are alien, Holden and Petit are always the same

I finalists of Amici 23 there are five and not four as had been hypothesized in the last episodes. Here they are semi-final report cards of the talent show hosted by Maria De Filippi.

Sarah Toscano: rating All she’s missing is the crown. She is the undisputed queen. She finally understood that she could be a protagonist and that she had all it takes to explode like a true star. She is truly crazy and she is finally proving it performance after performance.

Holden: I vote Maria I can’t do it. Great at producing your own songs. Excellent. Also because it’s a lot of work to add all those vocal effects to each one since we never heard his real voice during the episodes. Who knows how he sings. I mean him, not the autotune which I think he also uses to sing in the shower. Let’s forget about the continuous moan with which he interprets every song. His knees are milky, especially after he destroyed that masterpiece that is ‘It’s just words’. This is unforgivable.

Marisol: voto Cla mo ro sa. On ‘Albachiara’ she didn’t perform, she cast a spell. She took us all to another world, a world that only exists thanks to the dreams she makes us live. Of the other performances, choose any one: they are all incredible.

Dustin: I vote Neptune I swear to you Neptune. In the sense that he is actually from another planet compared to us humans. He is expressive, convincing and extraordinary in everything he does. He deserves to dance on the most important stages in the world.

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Small: your Geolier 2. Autotune and Neapolitan dialect, Neapolitan dialect and autotune. The script has remained the same for some time now. He goes to the final, but outside Amici his path risks being much more difficult.

Mida: bathhouse rating. In the sense that I could easily see her songs, all autotune and reggaeton, animating us in the summer on the beach. And it’s not an offense, on the contrary. You have found your market segment. The question is: how long can it last in a musical panorama in which there are many international protagonists and the niche is all in all small? On ‘What an idea’ I hoped he would avoid autotune. No way. But his stage presence saves him: he is the only singer to have such a massive dose of it in this edition.

The judges’ performances: vote But why??? It’s all so embarrassing that it’s not even interesting. Cristiano Malgioglio sings in playback – was it necessary? – and Michele Bravi shouts ‘New York, New York’, a song chosen for which reason it is not clear. Giuseppe Giofrè, as always happens now, dances showing his pecs and abs. In short, a galactic trash.

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