Home » Nesodden, Celebrity | Honestly: Alexander Rybak (37)

Nesodden, Celebrity | Honestly: Alexander Rybak (37)

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Nesodden, Celebrity |  Honestly: Alexander Rybak (37)

(The online newspaper): You are now reading “Honestly”, Online newspaper regular column where famous and relevant people answer a bunch of regular questions about themselves, their opinions, everyday life and the important things in life – as well as some quick recommendations!

Artist Alexander Rybak (37) from Nesodden became a national treasure when he won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2009 with the song “Fairytale”. It was the start of a terrific music career for Rybak. He also participated in Eurovision in 2018.

Please, here you are:

Name: Alexander Rybak
Alder: 37
Marital status: Single
What is your name in SoMe? @rybakofficial on Instagram
Grown up: Yes, almost
Lives now: Oslo and LA
Workplace: Oslo and LA
How do you get around in everyday life: I usually walk in Oslo, but fly to LA

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What engages you right now?
– “Baby Reindeer”. It hit hard.

What is your most controversial position?
– I just hope that all parties stop fighting. For some reason it pisses some people off.

What are you proud of having achieved in the past year?
– I finished building a music studio in LA

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Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert only on stage, introvert otherwise
Right from the start or cloud of conflict? Bordering on conflict-seeking, actually
Carefully planned or take it as it comes? Carefully planned! I am a classical violinist and a real MGP artist
Save or splurge? Always a treat, you’d rather save on the memories
“Dax18” or “The Farm”? Unfortunately, I have spent far more hours on “The Farm”
Board games or PlayStation? Playstation with VR glasses attached!

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When was the last time you cried and why?
– When I saw “Book of Mormon” in London. I cry when something is perfectly good.

What is the bravest thing you have done?
– Enrolling at MGP for the second time.

What is the most dramatic thing you have experienced?
– When I didn’t win Eurovision the same year.

And… when was the last time you lost your mind?
– It was probably last Wednesday.

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What do you regret most in life?
– I took part in a songwriting camp once.

What’s the sickest rumor you’ve heard about yourself?
– That there is someone else playing the violin for me.

What is the nicest thing someone has said to you?
– “Regardless of what the others in the class say, I love your music!”

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Who would you cancel and why?
– Would have canceled Xabi Alonso and Leverkusen, because then Bayern would not have had such a bad season this year.

And… What do you think about the cancellation culture?
– I see it as getting a speeding ticket. It’s embarrassing for the person concerned, but it also makes people behave.

Who/what would you like to pay tribute to and why?
– Mum and dad, because they are seriously good friends now!

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What pisses you off?
– Today’s chart pop and algorithm music. Yes, now I’m old enough to say that.

If you have 500,000 to invest, how would you invest?
– Not very brave financially, so it would probably have been a fixed interest rate with the high interest rate we have now.

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What is the best or worst gift you have received or given?
– When I was little I stole various little things from my father, and then gave everything as a present on Christmas Eve.

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Give us some quick recommendations!

Book/newspaper/magazine: «Flowers for Algernon»
Series/film: «Artificial Intelligence» by Steven Spielberg
Music: “Gloria” by John Rutter
App: Currency Converter
SoMe account: @alexrybakofficial on TikTok for fun fiddle stunts and MGP stuff
Food/drink: Taco, healthy and good!
Holiday destination: Wherever they have the biggest roller coasters

What are you most looking forward to right now?
– Playing at Nokia Arena in Finland this weekend!

And honestly:

Pineapple on pizza? Yay or nay?
– Yes, sometimes you get pineapple on the pizza.

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