Home » Bill Gates predicted 19 years ago that Apple would not be able to maintain the success of the iPod after smartphones entered the market

Bill Gates predicted 19 years ago that Apple would not be able to maintain the success of the iPod after smartphones entered the market

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Bill Gates predicted 19 years ago that Apple would not be able to maintain the success of the iPod after smartphones entered the market

**Apple to Discontinue Entire iPod Series in 2022, Impacting Music and Tech Industries**

In a move that is set to shake up the music and technology industries, Apple has announced that it will officially discontinue the entire iPod series in 2022. This decision comes as no surprise, as the emergence of the iPhone has almost entirely replaced the functions of the once popular iPod.

The iPod, which was once a revolutionary product in the music industry, has seen a gradual decline in recent years as smartphones have taken over the market. Interestingly, Microsoft founder Bill Gates had once expressed skepticism about the long-term success of the iPod.

In a statement to Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung back in May 2005, Bill Gates predicted that Apple’s success with the iPod would not last forever. He believed that smartphones would eventually dominate the market for small music players, making the iPod obsolete.

However, what Gates did not anticipate was the launch of the iPhone in 2007, which proved to be a game-changer in the field of mobile computing. Apple’s continuous innovation and improvement of the iPhone further solidified its dominance in the market, while Microsoft’s Windows Phone operating system took a back seat.

As of Apple’s second quarter financial report in 2024, the iPhone department’s revenue accounted for over 50% of the company’s total revenue, surpassing the revenue generated by the iPod in its prime. This shift highlights Apple’s ability to adapt to changing market trends and continually innovate in the face of competition.

While the discontinuation of the iPod series marks the end of an era for Apple, it also reflects the company’s strategic focus on developing products that disrupt the market and revolutionize daily interactions with technology. The legacy of the iPod may live on, but Apple’s future lies in the continued evolution of its flagship products.

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As we bid farewell to the iPod, it serves as a reminder of the ever-changing landscape of technology and the importance of staying ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving industry. Apple’s decision to discontinue the iPod series is a testament to the company’s commitment to innovation and its willingness to adapt to the shifting demands of consumers.

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