Home » Life sentence for Alessia Pifferi: she let her daughter Diana die of starvation – News

Life sentence for Alessia Pifferi: she let her daughter Diana die of starvation – News

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Life sentence for Alessia Pifferi: she let her daughter Diana die of starvation – News

Alessia Pifferi was sentenced to life imprisonment for letting her 18-month-old daughter Diana die of starvation, abandoned at home alone for 6 days in July 2022. The Court of Assizes of Milan decided this today. In sentencing Alessia Pifferi for the murder of her daughter Diana, the judges excluded the aggravating circumstance of premeditation which was alleged against her together with those of her frivolous motives and of having committed the act against her minor daughter.

After the speech by the defender Alessia Pontenani, the prosecutor Francesco De Tommasi replied. “There is only one victim and her name is Diana. And there is a liar who is Alessia Pifferi, an actress who is Alessia Pifferi. I ask you not to recognize any benefit”.

It is a fair sentence, the first stage in ascertaining the truth. I have always believed in it and with this verdict they have brought the victim back to the center of the trial.” Thus the public prosecutor Francesco De Tommasiafter reading the sentence with which Alessia Pifferi was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of her daughter Diana, left to die of starvation at just 18 months old.
“I saw a woman who played a part, I expected life imprisonment,” he added.

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The speeches

– “Alessia Pifferi never wanted to kill her daughter. There is a crime in our code, which is child abandonment. Here we are: it’s our case, it’s Diana’s death”. With these words the lawyer Alessia Pontenani, defender of the 37-year-old, moved towards the conclusion of her speech in the trial before the Court of Assizes of Milan, at which asked for acquittal for the murder of 18-month-old Diana.
“Alessia committed the crime of abandonment several times: the first time she went to the supermarket without the child, the first weekend she left, when she had dinner in the limousine, the second weekend. This is the crime for which she must be condemned Pifferi. The characteristic of child abandonment is the hope that nothing will happen: she hoped in her heart, and believed, that nothing would happen to the child”.
After having retraced the various stages of Pifferi’s life (“she suffered abuse as a child, she was a victim of witnessed violence, she did not go to school, she has a cognitive deficit, she lived without having a job), the lawyer underlined that Diana’s death “is a tragedy and must be addressed as such. The prosecutor said that her work was done and that he was leaving Diana in your hands. I will do more, I will leave Alessia and Diana to you, because it is time that both these unfortunate people really get justice.”

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“We are faced with a chilling case, in which responsibility is clear. In this trial there is only one truth: Alessia Pifferi is guilty of the murder of little Diana”. Thus the lawyer Emanuele De Mitri, civil party lawyerin the trial against the 37-year-old for having left her 18-month-old daughter to die of starvation.
“Pifferi killed her own daughter, leaving her alone without water or food for six days. She clearly knew that her daughter would die. Pifferi betrayed little Diana, she betrayed Diana’s body. Pifferi – added the lawyer – was a presumptuous woman. She didn’t ask her family for help, even though she knew that the family would help her, hiding what she was doing.” Her mother Maria and her sister Viviana were in fact “the only ones who gave her a hand. Her mother tried in every way to support Alessia Pifferi. Although relations were tense, Viviana saw Diana’s birth as a miracle. Never they might have thought that Pifferi abandoned the little girl in that way.”
The lawyer requested compensation of 200 thousand euros for the mother and 150 thousand euros for the sister, or a provisional amount of 100 thousand euros each.

Judges, 20 thousand euros to sister Pifferi and 50 thousand to mother

The Court of Assizes of Milan, presided over by Ilio Mannucci Pacini, also sentenced Alessia Pifferi to pay compensation of 20 thousand euros for her sister Viviana and 50 thousand euros for her mother Maria. Both family members became civil parties in the trial for the murder of little Diana, who died of starvation after being left at home alone for 6 days in July 2022.

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During the reading of the device, after a deliberation that lasted about 2 and a half hours, Alessia Pifferi remained impassive.

Mother of Alessia Pifferi, atrocious pain but she has to pay

“It’s excruciating pain. She’s forgotten she’s a mother. Now I wouldn’t be able to say anything.
He must pay for what he did. If she had repented and apologized… But she didn’t do it.” Thus Maria, Alessia Pifferi’s mother, commenting on the sentence with which her daughter was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of little Diana of just 18 months.

Sister of Alessia Pifferi, life imprisonment is the right sentence

“I think the judges did what was right, because for me she never had any extenuating circumstances, she was never crazy or with psychological problems.” Thus Viviana Pifferi, Alessia’s sister, commenting on the sentence with which her relative was sentenced to life imprisonment.
“Right now I can’t even say what I feel, it’s a very strange thing. I hope that now Diana can fly away in peace,” he added.

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