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what MIP-C is, who it affects and what its symptoms are

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what MIP-C is, who it affects and what its symptoms are

A new deadly disease called MIP-C has emerged among patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, causing concern among health experts. The syndrome, which has been linked to Covid-19, has already resulted in eight deaths out of sixty cases reported in Yorkshire.

The disease, also known as “MDA5 autoimmunity and interstitial pneumonia contemporary with Covid-19,” is similar to a rare autoimmune syndrome called anti-MDA5 positive dermatomyositis. Researchers from the University of California – San Diego and the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom have been studying the illness after noticing an increase in cases during the pandemic.

MIP-C is a rare autoimmune, inflammatory, and chronic disease that primarily affects the skin, muscles, and lungs, leading to potentially fatal interstitial lung syndrome. Patients with the disease have shown symptoms such as scarring on the lungs, arthritis, myalgia, and skin rashes.

The disease is caused by antibodies attacking an enzyme called MDA5, which is responsible for detecting the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and other RNA viruses. The increase in cases has been linked to Covid-19, with researchers suspecting an association between the two illnesses.

Experts have warned that even a mild or asymptomatic Covid-19 infection can trigger MIP-C, leading to a distinct form of anti-MDA5 positive dermatomyositis. The disease has spread outside the UK, although specific data on cases in other countries is currently lacking.

The discovery of MIP-C has raised alarms among health officials, who are urging the public to remain vigilant and follow Covid-19 safety guidelines to prevent the spread of the disease. The rapid progression and high mortality rate of MIP-C make it a serious concern for healthcare professionals worldwide.

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