Home » Prevent the damage of hypertension by using this type of salt too but not forgetting the danger of stress and those of bad habits

Prevent the damage of hypertension by using this type of salt too but not forgetting the danger of stress and those of bad habits

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Looking at the data of the international statistics on hypertension in the world there is really a thrill. According to experts, nearly one billion and 300 million individuals on Earth suffer from too high blood pressure. Really considerable figure especially when seen in the percentage increase. In the last quarter of a century, cases have even doubled. And, while the sex ratio was once 5 to 1 for men, we are now almost on par. This means that the fair sex in recent years has become as hypertensive as the boys. There are certainly several causes that lead to too high blood pressure. In this article we will see how to prevent the damage of hypertension using this type of salt too, but not forgetting the danger of stress and those of bad habits.

The value not to be underestimated

There are more than 10 million deaths on our planet a year due to accidents linked to too high blood pressure. Not just classic strokes and heart attacks, but also life-threatening kidney and heart disease. In this sense, especially after the age of 40, measuring blood pressure consistently becomes really important. Being able to lower blood pressure through a balanced diet, sports, quitting smoking and fighting stress can reduce the chance of death by as much as 30%.

Prevent the damage of hypertension by using this type of salt too but not forgetting the danger of stress and those of bad habits

The first step if we want to prevent the damage of hypertension is certainly to contact our family doctor and carefully follow his advice.

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Another mandatory step if we have too high blood pressure, as the doctors will suggest, will be to decrease the salt in the kitchen by introducing a low sodium salt sometimes also available in supermarkets.

However, this salt should be used with care and moderation in people with heart and kidney diseases. So, even in this case, let us rely on our doctor who will also be able to guide us in the quantities to be taken if we suffer from these pathologies.

Yesterday we saw that there are at least 3 ways to dress the salad that make it even lighter and healthier. The article suggests a number of healthy alternative seasonings to salt.

The incidence of stress should also not be underestimated. Statistics show that stress levels among people are increasing. As far as our country is concerned, we would speak of one in four Italians suffering from recurrent anxiety and stress. An essential fact to take into account to prevent hypertension.


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(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the advice of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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