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Lazio, Acerbi risks two rounds of disqualification – Sport – Football

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Acerbi risks two rounds of disqualification

Rome, 7 October 2021 – Francesco Acerbi risks two rounds of disqualification: the events against the Bologna they could be punished by the sports judge with a further penalty than that of the double yellow received in the last championship match of the Dall’Ara.

The expulsion

Acerbi was sent off in the match against Bologna for protests against the referee Pulp who initially had only warned him. The extension of the protests also led to the second yellow card, but Acerbi did not hold back and on the way out of the field he showed the middle finger to someone still unidentified, thus risking an additional penalty. In fact, the sports judge could increase the disqualification days and keep him out of the next round as well, which would be serious for the Lazio, already in numerical difficulty.

The car

Pending the sanction of the sports judge, Acerbi aware of the bad act, yesterday he decided to fine himself by donating the sum of the fine to charity. “I’m sorry I can’t help my teammates, I’m sorry for the coach and for the fans. I apologize again, it is not like me, it is not a good example for children and for those who love football. For this reason I decided to self-test myself, donating a sum of money to charity “he wrote on his social networks to apologize for the bad gesture.

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