Home » Mark Jackson: The Nets should trade Irving, his 41 games were useless

Mark Jackson: The Nets should trade Irving, his 41 games were useless

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Original title: Mark Jackson: The Nets should trade Irving and his 41 games are useless

On October 8, Beijing time, former NBA coach Mark Jackson recently participated in a program and talked about his views on Irving’s incident. He believes that if Irving will miss 41 games in the new season, the Nets should consider trading Irving.

In the past few weeks, Irving has been the focus and topic of the NBA. Because he was very negative about the new crown vaccine and said that he would not disclose his vaccination status because it was a private matter between him and his family. Currently, the Nets player Kyrie Irving is still not vaccinated.

According to New York City’s epidemic prevention regulations, Irving cannot participate in home games with the team, nor can he appear in the Nets training hall. Earlier, Nets coach Steve Nash stated that the team would not move the training hall away from Brooklyn for Irving. Another aspect that is less frequently mentioned is that he will also not be allowed to play in a city with similar regulations to New York.

The Nets core Durant and team owner Cai Chongxin have expressed their hope that Irving can be vaccinated because the Nets are capable of competing for the championship this year.

According to Mark Jackson, he believes that the Nets should trade Irving. “This will make the situation in the team’s locker room extremely complicated.”

Mark Jackson said, “If I am a coach, I will understand his decision. But if I am a player of the team, when the team really has a chance to win, then I don’t want anything to affect it. The mentality in the locker room should be Yes-let us give everything we can to help the team win the championship. After all, it is easy to be a playoff team, but it is difficult to have a chance to win.”

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“If Irving really decides not to get vaccinated, that’s his decision. But for the team, Irving’s decision made the team lose a lot of things, at least 41 games less. And the same situation in the playoffs. , Which means that when the team needs him the most, he can’t help. If I were to make a decision, out of the idea of ​​being responsible for the entire team, I might pick up the phone and see what I could get back with him .”

“Even though Irving is a very good player, he is a useless person to me, at least 41 home games and playoff homes are the same, unless the epidemic prevention regulations change.” Mark Jackson continued.Return to Sohu to see more


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