Home » The “March of Peace” from Perugia to Assisi is 60 years old. Mattarella: “It is a duty for everyone”. On the street also Mimmo Lucano

The “March of Peace” from Perugia to Assisi is 60 years old. Mattarella: “It is a duty for everyone”. On the street also Mimmo Lucano

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The 60th Anniversary March of Peace and Fraternity is also the one characterized by the anti-Covid masks worn by thousands of participants. That after the human chain forced by the pandemic in 2020 has returned to travel the 24 kilometers between the gardens of the Frontone in Perugia, the departure of the original one of Aldo Capitini, and the Rocca Maggiore of Assisi. “The first thanks is to all of you who have fulfilled the dream of finding us together, because peace can only be built together” said a moved Flavio Lotti, coordinator of PerugiAssisi, to the walkers.

“I Care”, the slogan chosen for this edition, because “Cura is the new name of peace”, the key word and the warning of Don Milani, understood as taking care of the new generations, of the planet, of democracy. “It means turning our eyes to those who are behind,” the participants repeated along the way. Ten thousand official members but many thousands more people who joined spontaneously creating the usual long snake. In which, as usual, the most diverse themes have found space, from violence against the CGIL to rescues at sea. With Cecilia Strada as protagonists but also Mimmo Lucano, the former mayor of Riace, one of the symbols of welcome and integration: «I am not offended by the penalty – said Lucano – for an ideal there is no price. I cannot allow everything to end and even hope to be killed. I will always be present on the front line, regardless of the role I will have ». A commitment made with himself, before with those present, while the notes of “Blowin ‘in the wind” by Bob Dylan, the pacifist anthem par excellence, rose in the sky of Assisi.

A participation above all of young people and local authorities, which made it possible to almost replicate the approximately 20,000 that registered in 1961 during the first march commissioned by Aldo Capitini. “We have to take care of each other and when they are close to wear a mask, a sign of care that must become contagious,” the organizers recommended. Invitation received by the walkers who have avoided gatherings as much as possible and almost all of them wore protective gear even if outdoors. Few politicians “in attendance” but the president of the Region Donatella Tesei still wanted to be at the start. With the president of the CEI and bishop of Perugia, cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, and the mayor Andrea Romizi.

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However, there was no lack of messages to the organizers. Starting with that of President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. “Peace is not only possible. But it is a duty for everyone, states, peoples, supranational institutions, economic enterprises, social forces, citizens, to work to build it “ he pointed out. “Peace can be built from below – said Mattarella -, because it requires consistency in daily action, in the language used, in concrete solidarity with those who have fewer resources and greater needs, in respect for the balance of nature, in ability to take care of those in difficulty ».

Pope Francis also had a thought for the March, for which, “in the fact that today there is widespread sharing around the value of caring, referring to others and to the environment, we can recognize a positive sign of the times, that the pandemic crisis has helped to bring out ». And for the President of the European Parliament David Sassoli the March “has always represented an extraordinary testimony of hope and at the same time a place of collective responsibility”. At Rocca di Assisi also Cecilia Strada who thanked the organizers for having dedicated the 60-year-old edition to her father, Gino Strada, and for «having brought a little light in a dark period. Saving lives cannot be divisive, there is nothing that unites more than saving a human being ”, his message.

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