Home » Eitan case, the request of the maternal grandparents to the Juvenile Court: “We are here for the truth, problems in the appointment of the paternal aunt as guardian”

Eitan case, the request of the maternal grandparents to the Juvenile Court: “We are here for the truth, problems in the appointment of the paternal aunt as guardian”

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“We are here to bring out the truth in this process.” This was stated by the lawyer Sara Carsaniga, lawyer of the maternal grandparents of Eitan, the little survivor of the Mottarone tragedy and at the center of a dispute between the two family branches, entering for the hearing at the Juvenile Court of Milan where they discuss the complaint of the maternal grandparents against the appointment of paternal aunt Aya as legal guardian . “We will raise a number of issues and issues,” added the lawyer. Eitan was brought to Israel by his maternal grandfather Shmuel, accused of the kidnapping, and a decision by the Tel Aviv Court is expected in these days.

Eitan, last hearing lasted 12 hours. On October 26, the sentence

by Sharon Nizza

“We have several issues to raise and problems, we have had indications from the grandparents to highlight the truth in the proceedings”, explained the lawyer Carsaniga of the pool of lawyers, including Paolo Sevesi, who assists Shmuel Peleg, who brought the 6-year-old boy. in Tel Aviv on September 11, and Esther Cohen. Aya’s lawyers, including the lawyer Cristina Pagni, also entered for the hearing, which has just begun and is expected to be long.

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While the decision of the Tel Aviv Court is awaited for the next few days, which will have to establish whether Eitan must return to Italy on the basis of the Hague Convention on the abduction of minors, as requested by his paternal aunt, today under discussion is the complaint presented by the maternal grandparents (Shmuel asked to be appointed guardian) against the appointment of the aunt as legal guardian of the minor. Appointment that was decided by the Court of Turin – after the tragedy in which the child lost his mother, father, little brother and great-grandparents – and whose acts passed by territorial jurisdiction to the Court of Pavia, which rejected a first appeal. The maternal grandparents practically ask for the cancellation of that appointment.

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by Paolo Berizzi

The decision of the Milanese court should not arrive at the end of the hearing, but it will take several days. The Peleg lawyers in the appeal highlight a series of irregularities in the proceedings, from the timing to the modalities, which led the Turin judge to appoint in 20 minutes, they argue, the aunt as guardian and without even the presence of an interpreter. And they also contest the management that the aunt had of the baby, because as a guardian, and not a foster, she could not take him home to live with her. From this series of disputes, in addition to today’s hearing in Milan, there was, among other things, another hearing in Pavia, set for 9 November. And a third one (also fixed in Pavia) on November 16 and relating to some decrees that would have excluded the Pelegs from the proceedings, without the possibility of receiving notification of certain acts. Finally, for the Pelegs, it should be a ‘third’ person who manages the assets for the minor.

Eitan case, court hearing in Israel brought forward to Thursday. Aunt’s lawyers: “He must return to Italy immediately”

by Sharon Nizza

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