Home » The Tambre changes: Sovilla exonerated, Curti arrives

The Tambre changes: Sovilla exonerated, Curti arrives

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Christian Curti

News in the second category after the home thud against the Gemelle

Change of technical guide to the Tambre. The second category alpagota club has announced that it has relieved coach Marzio Sovilla from his post, following the 4-0 defeat at home against Gemelle on Sunday.

For the substitute, here is the name of Cristian Curti, former coach of Agordina and Val Badia. It will be up to him to lift the spirit and the ranking of the yellow-blue association, currently standing at two points in the standings. The initial draws obtained in the derby with Fulgor Farra and at Tarzo Revine Lago were followed by three defeats against Lentiai, Ponte nelle Alpi and Gemelle.

The thunderous way in which the latter arrived proved to be perhaps decisive, being a sort of direct clash against the Rossoneri who only had one point.

«After the heavy defeat on Sunday», reads the note published on the Facebook page, «there was a company confrontation and with the locker room which led to a painful but perhaps necessary decision. Despite this, we have a dutiful thank you to address dear Mr. Marzio Sovilla. Thank you because for three years you have accepted our reality and you have always been commendable both as a technician and as a person. Thank you because you have trusted everyone in delicate moments and because, without asking anyone anything, you have dedicated time, passion and knowledge to a group that, in five years, has been built and rebuilt several times. The company decision was to take a different path to look for a turning point that only the players, but men above all, will have to want to bring home the goal set at the beginning of the season ».

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The farewell from Sovilla continues.

«The fault is as always, of everyone and in particular of those who go to the field during the week and in Sunday matches. In football he always or often pays one for all, but we are convinced that the turning point was necessary at this moment and, therefore, we go ahead with another helmsman ».

Which will be precisely Cristian Curti, for which only the official character is missing. The debut? Creepy, as on Sunday Tambre will visit leaders Arsiè, five out of five wins.

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