Home » Being too cold, because it can also indicate important illnesses

Being too cold, because it can also indicate important illnesses

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What are those situations in which being too cold could be the indicator of something not at all pleasant that is happening in us.

Being too cold can indicate illnesses Photos from the web

Being too cold, an unpleasant sensation that generates annoying side effects not only on oneself but also in what are the habits assumed. This state of affairs can in some cases continue even in the hottest periods of the year.

And in autumn and winter, when temperatures drop, being too cold is a condition that inevitably results in being amplified. However, if the same becomes chronic and persists with the passage of time, it could also act as a spy for something very important and that deserves our attention.

In fact, experts say that being too cold could lead to gods health problems of even marked severity, and be a symptom of some disease. Of course this doesn’t always happen. It must be said that most of us ignore some sudden change that occurs in our body, blaming it all on some passing ailment.

Being too cold, what are the related diseases

Photos from the web

However, if we notice that the thing becomes constant and repeated with the passing of the days, it is always good at that point proceed with analyzes. This is the best way to prevent and try to avoid bad developments. And this happens because, in case of illness, the sooner we intervene, the more effective the therapy adopted will be.

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Too much sensitivity to cold is commonly associated to circulatory problems. Which causes hands and feet in particular to become ice. Also l’anemia it is related to low temperatures, as well hypothyroidism. And again, even subjects that present problems to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland they can fall prey to an accentuated cold sensation.

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And a serious condition is also to be joined to Parkinson’s disease, in rarer situations. In any case, if a state of constant and chronic hypersensitivity to low temperatures emerges, it is always a good idea to consult a doctor to determine how to act.

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