Home » [Click today]Trump announces the establishment of Truth Social, a new social media company | NTD Chinese TV Online

[Click today]Trump announces the establishment of Truth Social, a new social media company | NTD Chinese TV Online

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[New Tang Dynasty News October 22, 2021 Beijing time][Click today](4218-2)

Trump announces the establishment of Truth Social, a new social media company

Hello everyone, and welcome everyone to click on the show today. I’m Shi Tao. Trump announced the establishment of Trump Media Technology Corporation, not a technology company, a technology group. This news came out late last night, so it has not been mentioned in the big social media. But he is very simple. He bought a company listed on Wall Street called Data World. Then he hired a person, this person was Patrick, and the two companies merged to become a new Trump own media company. The company was founded in Florida to compete with today’s Twitter, Facebook, Google, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN. There is a face-to-face confrontation in American society. Share the second half of this episode with you. This report is from the National File, and the format is a bit too small. It is also possible that Trump said that first when he announced it.

He said that Trump announced that the new social media called Truth Social, Truth Social, will be successful early next year. His original intention was not. His true original intention, I can’t convey his statement. His true original intention was Trump’s announcement of the establishment, which is called the Trump Media Technology Group. Then he used a shell company like an acquired shell company, a bit like or called a backdoor listing. There is another company called Digital for the digital world. Then Trump’s own business, Trump’s own business group bought it, and merged the digital world. The Digital World merged with the Trump Group itself, and the two companies calculated prices with each other. Because Trump did not use all of his capital to buy this company, Trump established his own, called Trump Media Technology Group. In the digital world, the value of the two companies is the market value, and the results of the evaluation are between 840 million and 850 million. So after the merger of the two companies, 1.5 billion US dollars, 1.5 billion US dollars.

The place he announced was Palm Beach, Florida. In this case, he will become the Trump Company, the Trump Media Technology Group, which will directly become, if the merger is successful, it will directly become a group company listed on Wall Street, valued at 1.5 billion. What about this approach, he said that Trump will open up the entire media world, called Truth Social, which is the world of truth. Trump made it clear in his statement that my appearance is to combat today’s free media. That includes what everyone usually knows: The Wall Street Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, CNN, these are all included. In his announcement, he first mentioned that he must have a TV, and then he must have one, just like in our show, as we are in today’s click, it is to invite such a famous host .

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Then he has already found a person, and that person is all foreigners. As for that person, he said that a month is 1,000 hours. Maybe I see that his English announcement takes a long time. But his themed program, his thematic content has already come out. So I believe that the person hosting the show also owns the shares. For example, if Carlson is on Fox, he has a show. That is, Fox gives him hundreds of millions every year, so Carlson has two shows. For example, if he pays one billion, then Fox is going to give him one billion. He is responsible for the production of the entire team and the production of the program, and it will be broadcast at the point. That Carlson might not even go to Fox to shoot himself, he has a studio of his own. Then he can, he has the ability to do so, because he doesn’t need to go to work. In that case, it has a great impact on his entire production. That’s the same. For example, the first such program was Larry King, which was CNN. In fact, this model came from him. But CNN has basically declined.

Later, it was derived. For example, like the current American NBC and American ABC, there are some late-night host programs on the east coast and west coast. From 11 to 11:30, it is a completely ridiculous program, which is very funny and witty. , It’s very exciting, it’s such a show. As for Fox, its program has become the first in the United States, surpassing the free media on both sides of the strait. Then Trump should have invited such a person to open a show of his own. Such people, many conservatives, have no platform under the current background. He can open social media, he has his own influence, but it is not the same as a media group. So this is Trump, he is actually imitating the current content. During his current US presidential election and the election, wherever he suffered the most, he would definitely act there. This is a very wise man. Abandon your grievances and you will know that this thing hit me a lot at the time. I was the president and I couldn’t deal with it. The truth is the same. But his foundation, his global influence, this is obvious to all, right, it is obvious to all.

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But today, some people who don’t have the ability to control, dare to report and don’t dare to report, that’s another matter. But Trump announced the establishment at this time. His goal is to assist the Republican Party in occupying the entire Senate and House of Representatives by 2022 next year. This is obvious. He announced the establishment of a media company a year before next year’s Senate and House elections. No politician can compete with him unless he is killed. This is a sign of Trump’s maturity in the political industry. Because there are so many details, it is about how he works, and he has a lot of details. He will appear called, which is what is said here, called the society of truth. The truth society, it must include some content similar to Twitter, similar to Facebook, similar to YouTube, and similar to Douyin. What he acquired was a high-tech company. If this technology company has the conditions, it has the conditions to be listed on Wall Street, and it has its corresponding foundation.

Therefore, Trump used his intangible value to acquire a ready-made company that he already possesses technically and from the perspective of financing. They work together to make up for each other, instead of simply taking out a Trump push. Special, Trump YouTube, no. This is our explanation, this is his maturity. That also reflects the immaturity of the media. It is not about setting up a new social media. The people who write this article are too narrow, so Trump himself has made a lot of shots. So this is a change of the times. In my eyes, this is a change of the times. This is also where Trump is very mature. Then he announced in Florida because Florida has laws to protect such start-up companies. The Florida law is specifically used to combat Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon, so that Trump’s own company can be protected in its initial period.

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He moved from New York State to Florida from 2018 to 2019. This is the United States today. The United States has declined, and the United States will not die, but the United States has declined. In the process of decay, some good people will be left behind. These good people can stick to their own values ​​and stick to their values ​​under the background of their own ability. This is manifested. So Trump’s own statement clearly stated that I am here to fight, I am here to fight against groups such as Wall Street, New York Times, CNN, NBC, CNBC, then I am here to fight against YouTube, Google, Twitter, Facebook, I let people There is a free voice. This is Trump’s courage. That Trump’s ability, the possibility of Trump’s endorsement, and Trump’s courage. So if in this context. If his, if it can be taken out soon, then Republicans, now Republicans must listen to Trump, he must listen to Trump, he has no way.

Today’s politicians have become dolls and tools. Then Trump showed in this model, can he fight against this world ruled by the devil? There must be an idea behind him. He is just that, he is just in this direction, from the perspective of his own interests, from the perspective of his life, innate character, and nature, to fight against this leftist force. At the same time, with the help of the surviving foundation of American society, it is possible for the state government to establish laws against the federal government. This is the nature of the U.S. nation, and the foundation of the U.S. nation. Well, this episode will end here, thank you everyone, goodbye.

The URL of this article: https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2021/10/21/a103249086.html

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