Home » “Imaginary” lactose intolerance: thousands of Italians have eliminated milk and dairy products for no reason

“Imaginary” lactose intolerance: thousands of Italians have eliminated milk and dairy products for no reason

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It really affects about 40% of Italians but thousands of people in our country are convinced they have it. L’Lactose intolerance, in fact, it is less widespread than what is believed, however the apparent and frequent incidence of this disorder often derives from tests that are not scientifically validated, also carried out in healthcare environments, from the vegan diet and from various urban legends. Unfortunately, this often leads to an unjustified exclusion of milk and derivatives from one’s eating habits.

The Grana Padano Nutritional Observatory has carried out a new study on a sample of 6,000 people. Research has shown that consumption of milk and dairy products fell by 5% in two yearsdespite the fact that the food industry has increased the supply of delactosed foods. 31% do not consume any type of milk, 77% do not use whole milk, 41% do not use semi-skimmed milk. 30% of the interviewees do not consume yogurt, 48% eat less than 100 g of fresh cheese or 50 g of seasoned cheese per week (as recommended by the Mediterranean diet). The most recent scientific studies show that the total abolition of milk and dairy products does not make any sense: in a balanced diet it is a mistake to eliminate, or significantly reduce, the consumption of milk and dairy products.

Milk and dairy products demonized for no reason

“A” campaign “against milk and dairy products has been underway for some years now, not justified by scientific evidence», Explains the Michela Barichella, professor at the University of Milan and member of the Scientific Committee of the Grana Padano Nutritional Observatory. “The use of vegetable drinks instead of milk is increasingly frequent and those with lactose intolerance, even if only slight or moderate, tend to eliminate all dairy products and therefore nutrients such as calcium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin A , B12 and high biological value proteins with the 9 essential amino acids. Vegetable drinks are unable to provide these nutrients sufficiently. In addition, even in case of intolerance you can take the nutrients of cheese milk which are real concentrates and naturally lactose-free ».

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Not all lactose intolerances are the same

Lactose intolerance, in fact, is dose dependent: it is important, that is, not to completely eliminate lactose from the diet, except in severe cases, because the failure to introduce milk sugar inevitably leads to the loss of the enzyme that digests it: lattasi. An insufficient presence of the lactase enzyme can cause more or less serious or temporary intolerances. Lactose intolerance therefore has different faces and can present itself with more or less acute symptoms according to the quantity of enzymes present that are able to digest quantities of lactose. However, those who believe they are intolerant do not know what kind of intolerance they have, so they tend to eliminate milk and dairy products for no real reason.

The only reliable test for lactose intolerance is the Hydrogen Breath Test

Lactose intolerance must be verified, it cannot be just assumed. To do this, you need to undergoHydrogen Breath Test, a reliable investigation performed in a hospital setting: it involves the administration of a standard dose of lactose and then measuring the exhaled hydrogen, the quantity of which indicates intolerance, which can be severe, mild or moderate. Instead, tests and self-diagnosis proposals proliferate, not only on the Internet, which demonize more and more milk, dairy products and cheeses. This idea poses a public health hazard because it increases the reduction in the consumption of foods that are related to important health benefits.

The benefits of milk and dairy products

But what are they? Here is the summary drawn up by the experts of the Grana Padano Observatory.

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Muscles and bones

The biological superiority and high availability of milk and cheese proteins, together with the high content of vitamin B12 and bioavailable minerals such as calcium, slow down the loss of muscle mass (sarcopenia) e of bone mass reducing the risk of osteoporosis and dental caries.


Casein proteins, amino acids such as lactoferrin and enzymes contained in high quantities in milk and derivatives have an anti-aging effect, they fight free radicals and oxidative stress thanks also to the content of zinc, selenium and vitamin A.

Weight loss

Taken in quantities appropriate to energy needs and in compliance with a balanced diet, cheeses have a neutral impact on body weight, if not a protection of the lean mass. When included in a low-calorie diet, they help you lose more pounds and slim the waistline.

Immunitary defense

Aged cheeses are rich in butyric acid, a powerful anti-inflammatory rebalancing of the intestinal microbiota.


A diet for cholesterol control must have a moderate consumption of sugar and meat and can foresee the consumption of milk and cheese according to the weekly quantities and frequencies of a balanced diet.

Cardiovascular diseases

The consumption of milk and dairy products it is not associated with cardiovascular risk, rather. Instead, it is associated with protection and the decreased risk of hypertension.

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