Home » The football of the little ones starts again: party in Nevegal for 250 children

The football of the little ones starts again: party in Nevegal for 250 children

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Thirty-two teams played four mini games for one in the space of an afternoon No ranking for the thirteen clubs involved and a medal for each of the kids


Almost two hundred and fifty children “invaded” the sports facilities of Pian Longhi, in Nevegal, for the first large post-pandemic grouping dedicated to the “First kicks” category. Thirty-two teams were facing each other, representing thirteen clubs from Belluno. The matches played? Ninety-six, during an afternoon full of events that opened at 2.30 pm with the arrival of the teams in Pian Longhi and their registration. Before the start of the matches, which took a couple of hours, the managers of the teams present were summoned for a technical meeting. Then, space for the field. Each of the thirty-two teams played four games. All, of course, without rankings. But the fun was not lacking, on the contrary. At the end of the day, all the teams were rewarded by the provincial delegation of the FIGC, indiscriminately and regardless of the results obtained.

«It was the baptism of fire of Luca Perer as the new head of the basic activity of the FIGC in Belluno», underlines the provincial delegate, Orazio Zanin, «and I would say that the test was passed brilliantly. Each team had its own calendar and played four games, the organization was effective, and at the end of the day we handed out medals to everyone. We can say it: we are off on the right foot ».

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The basic activity practiced by the Belluno companies had already started up again in recent weeks, but that of Pian Longhi represented the first provincial meeting.

«The groups organized by the individual companies», explains Zanin, «will resume from next weekend, while this last weekend has been suspended to allow everyone to participate in the provincial concentration. We are already working on the next provincial “First Kicks” events: we would like to organize three more, during the sporting season, maybe one indoors and the others outdoors. Without forgetting the “Little friends”: something is coming for them too ».

The club that brought the most formations was the Dolomiti Bellunesi. The reality born from the merger of Belluno, Union Feltre and San Giorgio Sedico was present at with seven teams. Lamonese, Agordina (who set up two teams), Cadore (with three teams), Lg Valbelluna (with a poker of formations), Arsié, Castion (three teams), Limana Cavarzano (three), Ponte nelle Alpi (two), Alpago (two), Plavis (two), Sois and Juventina Mugnai. And last week the Dolomiti football school organized a training meeting dedicated to the training methodology in the beginner categories. Speaker, the technical manager of the youth sector Mauro Cappellaro. –

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