Home » Meloni sul Quirinale dismisses Draghi: “Good reform, but no to de facto semi-presidentialism”

Meloni sul Quirinale dismisses Draghi: “Good reform, but no to de facto semi-presidentialism”

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The leader of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, was received at Palazzo Chigi by the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi. Among the topics of discussion, Meloni reported at the end, the budget law and Covid. On the latter issue, Meloni explained, “one of the two, either the Green Pass works and there is no need to extend the state of emergency or it doesn’t work and someone has to review this choice”. And again, on the extension of the state of emergency, he specified: “The prime minister told us that nothing has yet been decided”.

With regard to the demonstrations against the Green Pass, however, Meloni actually defended those who carried out the protest: “I told President Draghi that I was very impressed by the Daspo to the leader of the Trieste dockers Puzzer, just as I was very impressed from the fact that the government allows fire hydrants to be fired on kneeling protesters. I think they are not reactions worthy of a democracy: you must have the right to express dissent, we are not in Korea, China or among the Taliban. I don’t even think this helps the credibility of your government. “

Among the other arguments on the table, also the tax burden: “Fratelli d’Italia claims that the eight billion invested by the Government” for the reduction of taxes “go entirely on the theme of cutting the contribution wedge, to be divided on the worker side, on the company side “. Speaking specifically also of the land registry reform, Meloni asked that “there be no increase in taxes, but the emergence of the undeclared”. On citizenship income and cases of offenses, he attacked: “The checks must be done first.” While in the dialogue with Draghi there was also talk of pensions: “In December we want the renewal of the solidarity contribution”.

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On the center-right, in turmoil after the meeting with Berlusconi and the Head of State issue linked to the early vote, Meloni assures: “Soon there will be a common initiative of the center right.” For Draghi Fratelli d’Italia he does not see «a de facto semi-presidentialism. Well, instead, the idea of ​​reform ».

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