Home » Coronavirus, Germany to stop restrictions for vaccinated people already over the weekend. Great Britain towards the end of the distancing from 21 June

Coronavirus, Germany to stop restrictions for vaccinated people already over the weekend. Great Britain towards the end of the distancing from 21 June

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The cases of Covid in the world are almost 152 million according to the data released by the Johns Hopkins University, while confirmed deaths exceed 3.2 million since the start of the pandemic.

Germany loosens the restrictions for the immunized probably as early as next weekend. According to what Bild anticipates, the measures have been agreed by the parliamentary groups of the government parties, CDU / CSU and SPD. When they come into effect, the immunized will not have to respect the night curfew, at 10pm and 5am, which applies in most of the country. They will not have to submit negative quick tests to access non-essential shops and other services (museums and amusement parks, among others) and they will not have to comply with quarantine rules. Furthermore, the immunized will be able to meet without limitations and will not count in the general calculations of restrictions.

Great Britain: hypothesis to cancel the distancing
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said there was a “good chance” of being able to eliminate the obligation to keep a distance of at least one meter to prevent Covid infections by 21 June. Johnson, however, has slowed down on the resumption of tourist travel abroad from the United Kingdom, confirming the intention to open some loopholes from May 17, but with caution and strict limitations in order not to feed the risk associated with the variants of the virus and the possibility of re-importing cases. of Covid from abroad.

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“We want to do some opening” on travel from May 17, “but I don’t think the people of this country want to see an influx of diseases from everywhere else, and I certainly don’t want it,” said the British Tory Prime Minister. to journalists on the sidelines of a visit to Hartlepool, England, three days before the local elections on Thursday 6. On the issue linked to the intention attributed to the government to draw up a “green list” of foreign countries at lower risk to which resume travel for tourism after May 17, Johnson has instead specified that an announcement will be given “when possible”.

Reopening in France
End of travel bans and partial return to class of middle and high school students: anti-Covid measures begin to ease from today in France, which is experiencing a slow but gradual decline in hospitalizations. On the eve of these reopenings, the number of patients in intensive care units remained stable at around 5,600 patients, after several days of slow decline, according to data from Public Health France.

Brussels: we ease restrictions on tourism travel
The Commission proposes to the Member States to relax the current restrictions on non-essential travel (such as tourism) in the EU, taking into account the progress of vaccination campaigns and developments in the epidemiological situation worldwide. Brussels proposes to allow entry into the Union for non-essential reasons not only to all people from countries with a good epidemiological situation, but also to all people who have received the latest recommended dose of an EU-authorized vaccine . “It is time to relaunch the tourism industry and restart border friendships safely – wrote the president of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, on Twitter – But if variants emerge we must act quickly: we propose a brake mechanism. EU emergency ».

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