Home » Scafati beaten, the Old Wild West goes

Scafati beaten, the Old Wild West goes

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UDINE. Scafati beaten, defeat of Naples “avenged” and path resumed. The Old Wild West in the postponement of Monday 88-83 wins the second victory out of three games in the second phase against a strong team, with an avalanche of points in their hands and never tame until the end.

After all, the best Serie A2 teams face each other, balance and show in these games before the play-offs are therefore guaranteed.

First quarter in balance, 18-20 for the guests with an excellent Giuri among Boniciolli’s men. However, in the second fraction after three minutes the Campanians fly ahead 21-30 thanks to a partial 12-3 between the two quarters thanks to very high three-point shooting percentages. Udine, however, despite the defeat in Naples, proves to be confident, and comes back with a great partial and indeed operates the counter-overtake (36-32) thanks essentially to the Johnson-Amato couple, who hit from three points and force to half quarter coach Finelli to talk about it.

Useless, the inertia in the final quarter is all for the hosts. Worth noting: Deangeli’s three-point corner basket, Johnson’s counterattack dunk after the ball recovered and Pellegrino’s dive to contend for a ball in attack demonstrating that, when he is confident, nothing is precluded from the Sicilian center.

Scafati filed the disadvantage in the middle of the game only thanks to a great basket by Thomas (44-38), an American who in terms of shooting technique has nothing to learn from anyone.

It starts again and the trend resumes: Scafati immediately goes back to bringing the game back into balance. One thing is clear: when Udine defends strong and manages to run on the counterattack, even with his longs, it is hard for everyone. In this phase, Italian is good both in attack and in defense, but he immediately loads 4 fouls and has to get out.

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But Scafati is there with excellent long-distance percentages (which Udine also has) and when he can run and shoot from outside in transition it hurts. Counter-overtake (51-53) in the middle of the third quarter and an obligatory time-out by Boniciolli.

They all pull from outside between Campania, also good at conquering many offensive rebounds by inserting themselves in the carelessness of the boys of the West, it was the best attack of the red group, that of the first phase and something meant. Now the band of Finelli leads the game in the score and, again, in the rhythm and consequently in the inertia with a Sergio in dust.

Boniciolli tries with an excellent mixed zone in the Italian Cup to stop rivals. Udine is not perfect, however: the triples of Antonutti and Amato keep the Old Wild West in their wake. End of third quarter: 65-69.

Objective number one for the Friulians: to stop, for example, the slinger Marino. Meanwhile Giuri, unleashed, with a couple of triples propitiating a new overtaking 6 ‘from the end (73-72), it is he who loads on his shoulders an Old Wild West that now finds enormous difficulties in stopping Palumbo, a young man who arrived from Fortitudo Bologna with great talent.

Udine now needs Johnson, like bread. And the triple from DJ comes for a 76-76 with 4 ‘from the end that portends yet another heart-pounding final. No, DJ also places another bombshell. And the defense of Boniciolli’s men above all hermetically closes the area no longer allowing Thomas and company to play at their own pace.

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Who decides the game? Simple, a sci-fi Giuri, a three-pointer (5 out of 7 at the end) and 84-76 at 1’50 “from the end of the match. Scafati does not give up one meter with Marino and Thomas, Udine attacks with three points of advantage 30 ”from the end, Deangeli is fouled and with a free throw gives the four points that will be decisive. Thomas, then, commits an infraction of steps and the game is on ice, Antonutti closes it from the line.

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