Home » Covid Treviso, a vaccine that is 95 percent effective among health professionals

Covid Treviso, a vaccine that is 95 percent effective among health professionals

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The results of a research on 6,423 employees of the USL 2 of the Brand have been published. Even after a single dose, the effectiveness was 84%.

TREVISO. The anti-Covid vaccine administered to hospital health workers after two doses has been shown to be 95% effective in preventing both symptomatic and asymptomatic infection; even after a single dose, the efficacy was 84%. The data emerges from the research carried out by the Epidemiology Service of the Ulss 2 of Treviso, in collaboration with the Department of Infectious Diseases of the ISS, and published by “Eurosurveillance”, the journal headed by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (Ecdc).

The study – informs Ulss 2 – evaluated the effectiveness of vaccination in preventing SARS-Cov-2 infections among hospital health workers, in the first period after the start of vaccinations. “The analysis – explains the director of Epidemiology Mauro Ramigni – involved 6,423 operators in the period January-March 2021. The results are very comforting, even if the study was conducted in a period in which the incidence of the disease was important, and on a population at particular risk of contact with potentially infectious people ».

As of mid-February, when the percentage of healthcare workers protected by two doses or one dose plus a previous infection reached around 70%, there has been no increase in Covid-19 cases among healthcare workers, despite the ‘increase in the number of hospitalizations in the Ulss 2. According to the director general of the health company, Francesco Benazzi, “the results of the study, in line with those obtained in clinical trials and in other international observational studies, reinforcing communication based on evidences, represent further confirmation of vaccination as a fundamental tool in the fight against the virus, fundamental in the population and, even more so, in health personnel “.

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