Home » Le Gabbiane, engine trouble fades the European dream

Le Gabbiane, engine trouble fades the European dream

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Cesati, Berardi and Buchli one step away from the continental title and third in the world championship Bad luck gets worse in Cagliari and Baiona, but valuable medals arrive


A 2021 marked by bad luck but not without dissatisfaction for the Le Gabbiane club in Chignolo Po, the only one in the province to compete in all categories of powerboating. Cristian Cesati, Matteo Berardi and Dario Buchli finished second in the European championship and third in the world championships. “They would have won the continental title without the trouble with the engine that tormented them in Cagliari, as well as at the world championship held in Baiona, Spain – explains Guido Longhi, manager of the Pavese club – in the Iberian sea, race 1 was faced with only one engine. efficient due to the water in the gasoline recovered on the spot. In race 2 the engine broke down ».

“In the Gt 30, new international category – adds Longhi, 69, in Chignolo for 36 – the eighteen year old Mauro Cavalloni, brother of Andrea and son of Alessandro, world and European champion in 550 who is part of our staff of instructors, closed in second place. In the same category, the nineteen year old Anja Regonelli came fourth, the only girl in the race, as good at driving as at the piano ». In the Gt15 youth category, «Michele Ferrara was unlucky – explains Longhi, national manager for GT15 and in the Federmotonautica commission for youth races – before the last test he could compete with the other two teammates Andrea Cavalloni and Mattia Andreani , from which he was divided by only one point, but at the last race the engine left him in the lurch at the start and finished fifth, ahead of his son of art Jacopo Ravasio, eighth Edoardo Chiesa ”». In the last stage in Boretto Po Jacopo Ravasio won, third Andrea Cavalloni. As for the plans for 2022, “we have already received requests to drive the GT30 next spring and we have been asked to set up a stage of the Italian championship in May or June in the Po mirror in front of the club”. –

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