Home » Treviso, hospitals full but not for Covid: the flu fills the wards

Treviso, hospitals full but not for Covid: the flu fills the wards

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A session of vaccinations, in the center the dg Francesco Benazzi

Ulss 2 forced to open a new Covid ward in Montebelluna because there is a shortage of places in other hospitals due to the surge in hospitalizations for flu syndromes. The recommendation: “Get vaccinated even for the flu”

TREVISO. Ulss 2 has announced the opening of a new Covid ward, with ten beds in the medical area, at the Montebelluna hospital: the spaces in Vittorio Veneto and Treviso, the two main destinations for coronavirus positive patients, are in fact exhausted . However, it does not depend on the fourth wave, which is having a limited impact on Treviso hospitals, but from the flu and other viruses that, almost disappeared in 2020 thanks to various masks and restrictions, are now back with worrying numbers.

“At the moment we have 55 people hospitalized for Covid in our hospitals, last year at this time there were already 324” confirms the director general of Ulss 2, Francesco Benazzi. «We have the first three positives at the Montebelluna hospital: having full hospitals due to other flu-like illnesses, we had to dedicate ten beds to Covid in Montebelluna because the others could no longer receive “. Suffice it to say that the intensive therapies of the Ulss 2 welcome, fortunately, only one positive for the coronavirus, in Vittorio Veneto.

NicolaMarfisi * 2020

However, attention on the front of Covid infections remains very high, because the Marca continues to have a high incidence of new positives (101 weekly cases per hundred thousand inhabitants, one of the ten Italian provinces with the highest incidence according to the CNR). It mainly depends on infections at school desks: of the 885 new positives in the last week, 54.2% are under the age of 29.

The virus in schools is running: today, Wednesday 10 November, there are 104 classes in Treviso schools with at least one positive, they were 90 a day ago.

For both Covid and seasonal flu, this year more aggressive and arrived earlier, the Ulss recommends the most effective solution: “You need to get vaccinated”.

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