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What are the advantages of sitting on your knees?

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What if the way we are used to sitting is not the most ideal and balanced for our health? It was to answer this question that, in the mid-seventies, the Norwegian designer Hans Christian Mengshoel found that one chair tilted slightly forward, by propping her knees so as not to slip off the seat, she was able to encourage one natural posture, improving mobility and relieving unwanted pressure on the back. Thus was born the concept of «balans» and the project of the famous «kneeling» chair, a fundamental step in the history of Norwegian design.

The kneeling session

It is a chair without backrest, due worn in curved wood, a inclined seat down and a pillow set to support the shins. Its goal is not just to be an iconic object of design, but also that of giving the position we acquire every day (and for several hours) a new balance e positive health effects. Here are the main ones.

Relieve pressure on your back

the traditional chairs they force the body to adopt one shape similar to the letter “H”, while i flanks they are positioned with a closed corner 90 degrees or less. A sedia kneeling, on the other hand, it allows the pelvis to remain in an ad position open corner, approximately 110 degrees, allowing the spine to assume the natural curvature that it has when we are standing.

The inclined seat also allows you to lean over your desk without hunching your backsimply by shifting your body weight forward. TO benefit of the kneeling session, also the neck, the shoulders and the arm which, free to move, give more space to the chest and facilitate one breathing deeper.

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Strengthen the internal muscles

Kneeling chair means active sitting, and active sitting means abdominal muscles stronger. This is because it is they, and no longer the spine, a bear the weight of the upper body. While building a core of strong, balancing abdominal muscles will take some time and effort, afterwards daily activities, both the trivial and the more demanding ones, will take place with greater ease.

Improve productivity

How many times has it happened, sitting on traditional chairs, to sit at legs crossed paths or frantically looking for a place to rest the feet? The lower limbs have the fundamental role of making us move: why do we have to keep them still when we are seated? It is the reason why one kneeling chair invites the whole body to move.

The curvature of the wooden skates pushes you to maintain balance and allows for any weight shifting move and move in a new angle. This causes the feet to change position constantly as well. While the frequent and dynamic use of the leg muscles facilitates the blood flow towards the brain, positively affecting i energy levels, the ability to concentration and, consequently, ours productivity at work.

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