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Akele, heart of an ex: “Cremona, indelible memories”

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Tomorrow at 7.30 pm Nutribullet awaits Vanoli. Montebelluna’s winger: «The knockout of Bologna? It served as a lesson “


Tomorrow at 7.30 pm Cremona arrives and Nicola Akele’s thoughts cannot fail to go back to that beautiful 2019-20 season (not finished due to Covid) who lived under the Torrazzo before arriving here. A very formative year for Montebelluna’s winger, the first in Serie A after the experience of Roseto. «Yes, naturally for me it remains a particular race – confirms – I know Vanoli well and clearly I feel a little bit of the former match. After two years the memories remain, after all it hasn’t been a long time ».

But you can’t look anyone in the face, especially now that you come from a defeat.

“Absolutely. Sunday in Bologna we lost quite badly, we want to recover immediately to stay in the top positions of the standings ».

But what happened to you in Bologna?

«We weren’t ready mentally to support such a close match like that, they took more offensive rebounds, more loose balls. Let’s say that Bologna had put on the helmet and we didn’t: we were always there, but never giving the impression of having the right mentality to be victorious ».

Did you learn your lesson after the third defeat?

“I really think so. A defeat like that burns a lot, we have certainly learned the lesson ».

Cremona on Sunday made Armani sweat.

«It is a team with a lot of individual talent, so we will have to be good at not letting them turn on, if they can they can cause us serious problems. It will be necessary to limit their individual flare-ups which then infect and exalt the whole team ».

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Avoid too many ups and downs, players who do very well in a game and a few days later are void.

«This is also true, but I assure you that it is far from easy to put the maximum of mental energy into every race. It is precisely this psychological strength that characterizes high-ranking teams: if perhaps one does not work in attack, he must try to lend a hand in defense. Even if the result is a bad match with a low score, it doesn’t matter, the important thing is to win ».

So will we see the better version of TvB tomorrow night?

“I promise: as I said, I really hope that the defeat in Bologna has served us as a lesson”. There are two main dangers for the team of coach Galbiati: one is Jalen Harrisù, a shooter who gave him 21 in Milan, the other will come from Malcom Miller, a 2-3 who on Sunday made 4/7 of three. Then there is Matteo Spagnolo, play born in 2003, very pure talent. –

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