Home » The charm of the Silk Road and the use of porcelain and glass

The charm of the Silk Road and the use of porcelain and glass

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“Porcelain and glass through the Silk Road” is the topic of the conference that will take place on 1 December in the main hall of Uni-Astiss, and will allow you to learn about the activities of Magmax, or the micromuseum of mineralogy conceived by Massimo Tomalino and set up in the Torre De Regibus between corso Alfieri and via Roero.

Seven illustrious speakers, including the rector of the Polytechnic of Turin Guido Saracco, will discuss in a specialized conference, but with an informative nature, which will deal with history, science and technology. Porcelain and glass have marked the history of civilizations, their evolution, thanks to the technical-scientific research that led to the combination of the two materials, has allowed the creation of glass ceramic, used with extreme versatility and extraordinary results in various sectors such as medicine (just remember the prostheses used in orthopedics and dentistry).

Open to citizens and in particular to high schools, the conference is organized by Magmax (Astense Museum of Geology, Mineralogy, Mining Art, Crystallography) with the “Rita Levi Montalcini” University Pole, Turin Polytechnic and TTPU, the Uzbek university born also thanks to the collaboration of the Piedmontese university.

The event will be held from 9.30 to 12.45 and will be opened by the greeting of Mario Sacco, president of Uni-Astiss. The reports of Guido Saracco (“The Polytechnic of Turin and the TTPU of Tashkent”), Antonella Alotto and Andrea De Marchi (“The Silk Road: history, culture and economy”), Francesco Scalfari (“Anthropological aspects of the Silk Road”), Massimo Umberto Tomalino, creator of Magmax («History of porcelain and glass»). Dilshat Tulyaganov, director of the TTPU Science Department will speak about «Manufacturing of porcelain, glass and glass ceramics». The conference, which will also look at the new frontiers of technological research, will close with the professor of the Polytechnic of Turin Francesco Baino («High-tech applications of glass»). A space will be reserved for questions and comments.

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To participate, the organizers recommend booking as soon as possible at [email protected].

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