Home » Many places strengthen the supervision of off-campus training fees and government guidance prices are ready to come out_Sina News

Many places strengthen the supervision of off-campus training fees and government guidance prices are ready to come out_Sina News

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Original title: Many places strengthen the supervision of off-campus training fees, and government guidance prices are ready to come out

In the process of implementing the “double reduction” and rectifying off-campus training, the government-guided price is one of the most important measures. Its implementation will have an impact on the overall ecology of the education and training industry, and will become an important reference factor for off-campus training institutions to decide whether to engage in or withdraw from the K9 business when the time limit for “business to non-business reform” is approaching.

With the approach of the “business reform to non-business” period, in order to ensure the non-profit nature of subject-based off-campus training, and block the industry’s excessive profit-seeking and institutional runaway channels, many places have successively announced the “pre-charge” fund supervision rules for off-campus training institutions. The implementation path of price limit has gradually become clear.

Recently, as one of the “double reduction” pilot cities in Zhejiang Province, Jinhua issued the “Notice on the Relevant Situation of the Charges for Subject-based Off-campus Training in the Compulsory Education Stage (Draft for Solicitation of Comments)”. So far, Jinhua has also become the first city in Zhejiang Province and one of the few cities in the country that publishes government-guided price standards for non-profit disciplines off-campus training institutions.

Jinhua said that it will implement the supervision of pre-collected tuition fees and urge the discipline-related off-campus training institutions to strictly implement the government-guided prices, and must not increase or disguise the training fee standards set by the government for any reason or in any way.

At the beginning of September, the Ministry of Education and other three departments announced the “Notice on Strengthening the Supervision of Off-campus Training Fees for Subjects in the Compulsory Education Stage” (hereinafter referred to as the “Notice”), which clarified that all regions must introduce fees for off-campus training for subjects in the compulsory education stage by the end of 2021. (Hereinafter referred to as “out-of-school training fees”) Government guidance price management policy. Subsequently, Beijing, Hunan and many other provinces and cities clearly proposed that the fees for off-campus training in subjects at the compulsory education stage should be included in the government’s guidance price management.

However, with the exception of a few regions such as Hunan that have made progress in landing government guidance prices, the government guidance prices in most regions are still in a gestation period, and their pricing standards have not yet been officially launched.

Liu Lin, president of the China Private Education Association, said in an interview with China Business News that in the process of implementing “double reductions” and rectifying off-campus training, government-guided prices are one of the most important measures. Its implementation will have an impact on the overall ecology of the education and training industry, and will become an important reference factor for off-campus training institutions to decide whether to engage in or withdraw from the K9 business when the time limit for “business to non-business reform” is approaching.

“It is precisely because of this importance and the complexity of pricing that the pricing standards for government guidance prices in various regions have been delayed. At present, it will take time to complete the relevant pricing work in many places. It is expected that the government guidance prices in more regions will be in It will be released in the second half of this month. And this guide price may be only a temporary price, and it still needs a trial period of exploration.” Liu Lin said.

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  “Sky price” cram school will become history

With the implementation or approach of local government guidance prices, off-campus training fees will face a pricing “ceiling”; at the same time, due to the strict cost control of the competent authority, the guidance price is likely to be much lower than the market price. Previously, “one-to-one teaching” , “1000 yuan per hour” “expensive” cram school will also become history.

According to the government guidance price standards announced by Jinhua on November 26, off-campus training courses for offline subjects at the compulsory education stage are divided into three types: less than 10 students, 10 to 35 students, and more than 35 students. The base price is RMB 50/person per class, RMB 40/person per class, and RMB 30/person per class. The standard course is 45 minutes. If the actual duration is different, it can be converted on a pro rata basis. Once the fee standard is determined, the increase shall not exceed 10%, and the decrease is unlimited. This fee is a trial standard, and the trial period is 1 year.

After the price standard was announced, it caused widespread concern. On the one hand, there are some parents in the parent group who are happy and some are worried. The happy thing is that after the government guides the price, the family budget for out-of-school training has been reduced. Education and training institutions are beginning to think about withdrawing or staying. If they stay, when the rent and labor costs are too high and the government guidance price is not enough to support their normal operations, how to change the development model?

Some analysts told China Business News that with the advance payment system and government guidance prices, it is expected that the threshold for the education and training industry may be further raised. At the same time, from a horizontal comparison, due to the shrinkage of the “one-to-one” profitability of offline institutions, the reduction of class capacity and the reduction of the number of stocks may be more pressured than online training institutions.

“The threshold for off-campus training institutions is indeed increasing, because this is an industry that is restricted from development.” Yu Miao, an Internet education expert and founder of Sulu Consulting, told China Business News that off-campus training has become a non-profit industry because of subject-based off-campus training. , If the thinking of practitioners is still stuck in the development stage of the industry where profit was the fundamental purpose and the profit was relatively lucrative in the past, it would not have practical significance.

“It is undeniable that the introduction of government guidance prices will further squeeze teachers in the subject-based off-campus training industry and encourage high-quality teachers to enter other employment channels. However, because some students do need personalized guidance, especially supplementary guidance, This policy also leaves a door for it, that is, so that most families can afford tuition.” Yu Miao said.

In fact, the government’s price restriction is an important part of “reducing the burden” of off-campus training. As early as July, the “Double Reduction” document issued by the State Council made it clear that “strengthen the supervision of training fees, and incorporate the fees for off-campus training into government-guided price management.”

The above-mentioned government-guided price and charging standards proposed by Jinhua are based on the “Notice” issued in early September. According to the “Notice”, the government-guided price refers to the price set by the government’s price authority or other relevant departments, in accordance with the pricing power and scope of the benchmark price and its floating range, and guide operators to set.

The “Notice” clarified that the fees for online and offline subject-based off-campus training at the compulsory education stage are fees charged by non-profit institutions, and government-guided price management is implemented in accordance with the law, and the benchmark fee standard and floating range are set by local governments. Training institutions determine specific charging standards within the benchmark charging standards and floating ranges set by the government. According to the territorial principle, the pricing authority is stipulated.

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Specifically, the benchmark fees and floating ranges for off-campus training for offline disciplines are formulated by the provincial development and reform department in conjunction with the education department, or by the people’s government at the prefectural level and above with the authorization of the provincial people’s government; off-campus for online disciplines The benchmark fee standard and floating range for training shall be formulated by the provincial development and reform department in conjunction with the education department where the training institution’s school permit is approved.

In addition to Jinhua, Hunan and other places have also begun to gradually implement government guidance prices. In late September, Hunan issued the “Implementation Plan for Strengthening the Supervision of Disciplinary Off-campus Training Fees”, clarifying that the Provincial Development and Reform Commission is responsible for formulating the province’s off-campus training fees and government guidance price management policies, and the Municipal and Prefectural Development and Reform Commissions conduct surveys on the cost of off-campus training fees and formulate off-campus training. Benchmark fee standard and fluctuation range.

According to the Semi-Monthly Report on Special Supervision of the “Double Reduction” Work issued by the Hunan Department of Education on November 15th, in terms of the supervision of pre-charging for off-campus training, there are 575 “off-campus training institutions for subjects of compulsory education that implement government-guided prices”. Accounted for 19.77%.

On November 16, Beijing and Hunan released the implementation rules for the fees for off-campus training during the compulsory education stage on the same day.

According to incomplete statistics, up to now, Beijing, Zhengzhou, Hunan, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shaanxi, Hainan, Anhui, Jiangxi and other provinces and cities have clearly stated that they will implement government-guided price management for off-campus training in subjects at the compulsory education stage. .

Hunan, Hainan and other places also stated that the management of fees for off-campus training at the high school stage is also implemented in accordance with the regulations of the compulsory education stage.

  The specific pricing standard will be released

It is worth noting that the above-mentioned regions where government-guided prices have been clearly implemented have not yet released specific pricing standards.

The “government guidance price” was first proposed in the July “double reduction” document. Up to now, more than four months have passed. Why are local governments still making slow progress in implementing relevant work? What are the difficulties in landing behind this?

Liu Lin believes that there are at least three difficulties.

One is the uncertainty of pricing basis. Under normal circumstances, when pricing a certain type of goods or services, a relatively long settling period in the market is required to obtain relatively stable reference data. However, since the implementation of the “double reduction”, the education and training industry is undergoing a period of transformation and tremendous changes. The venue rents, wages of employees, and training duration of relevant training institutions have all undergone major changes, and they have not yet achieved stability.

Second, it is difficult to adjust the average cost of society. According to the “Notice”, the benchmark fee standard and floating range of government-guided prices are set by local governments. But even so, in the same city, due to different land prices, there will be differences in site rents between institutions; differences in teacher salaries due to different teachers’ teaching levels or different parents’ expectations.

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The third is the pricing problem caused by the different operating methods of online and offline off-campus training institutions. For example, for online institutions, according to the “Notice”, their price standards should be formulated at the provincial level. However, because online students may be distributed across the country, there are differences in economic development levels and student family affordability in different regions, which brings difficulties to cost verification and fee research.

In view of the scattered distribution of online students and difficulty in finding the charging benchmark, Yu Miao believes that there are two solutions: one is to charge the corresponding tuition according to the standard of the student’s location, which is not difficult to achieve technically; Low is not high, that is, the price is set in accordance with the provinces with lower economic development and the families with weaker family capacity to ensure “public welfare.”

CBN noted that in areas where government-guided prices have been clearly issued, they have paid special attention to “adhering to the non-profit nature of off-campus training for disciplines”.

For example, Fujian Province proposed that the implementation of government-guided price management must take full account of its characteristics related to major people’s livelihoods, and effectively reduce the burden of education expenditures on students’ families. Resolutely curb the excessive profit-seeking behavior of training institutions, and effectively reduce the financial burden of students’ parents. The benchmark fee standards set by various regions are significantly lower than the average fee level actually charged by training institutions before the implementation of government-guided price management.

However, Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences, said that if the government wants to limit price effectively, it must not be too far away from the true price level of the current education and training market. Otherwise, a dual-track price system is likely to occur. The tuition price has returned to its pre-government level.

“The specific pricing standards for government-guided prices need to be based on reality. They should not be too subjective, nor should they be kept low in order to reduce (off-campus) training. Such government-guided prices will be greatly reduced and unsustainable.” Chu Zhaohui told China Business News.

Liu Lin told China Business News that at present, the China Private Education Association has aggregated the demands of various types of off-campus training institutions, teachers, and students’ parents, such as large, medium and small, online and offline, on government-guided pricing standards, and provided feedback to relevant parties. Department. It is expected that local pricing standards will be released intensively in the middle and late of this month.

According to incomplete statistics, since mid-to-late November, Beijing, Shaanxi, Hainan and other places have successively proposed the pricing standards for government-guided prices to be announced in the near future. On November 30, Zhengzhou made it clear that the local government guidance price will be implemented early next year.

“Given the current market is still in a state of instability, the government-guided prices issued by various regions are experimental and transitional. We suggest that by the end of this year, the country’s off-campus training for disciplines will be fully completed. After entering a relatively stable stage, the government will again compare the pricing standards of the published guidance prices with the operating conditions of relevant institutions, listen to the opinions of all parties in a timely manner, and make corresponding adjustments.” Liu Lin said.

Editor in charge: Hu Yue SN231


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