Home Ā» To ward off heart attack and cardiovascular disease, here is the perfect time to go to sleep according to science

To ward off heart attack and cardiovascular disease, here is the perfect time to go to sleep according to science

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It is now well known that good and healthy habits can help the body respond better to environmental threats. However, not many are aware of the possible effects that some sleep disturbances could have on the cardiovascular system. A recent English scientific study has brought to the fore some really interesting results by addressing the investigation on the sleep rhythms of a very large sample of participants. To avoid heart attack and cardiovascular disease, here is the perfect time to go to sleep according to science and below we illustrate the main evidences that emerged.

Labor and economic protections

If what we do during the day determines the success of our goals, the hours of rest are also fundamental in such a mechanism. Lack of sleep can alter biorhythms and cause unwanted consequences on the whole organism. It is no coincidence that in a previous study we explained what work and economic protections can receive those suffering from insomnia.

It is certainly important to carry out consistent prevention work, since relapses can also affect the cardiovascular system, as science shows. However, it is also good to know that those suffering from heart disease can also receive aid from the state. In a previous study we have in fact shown that the INPS pays about 300 euros per month for 3 years to those who have 3 specific heart problems. And it is precisely the quality of sleep that some researchers believe could lead to an increased risk of heart disease.

To ward off heart attack and cardiovascular disease, here is the perfect time to go to sleep according to science

As many will know, our bodies follow what are defined as “circadian rhythms”. As the hours of light alternate with hours of darkness, physical and mental functioning also changes. Starting from this hypothesis, the scholars have tried to identify a link between the time when you decide to go to bed and cardiovascular disease. In this sense, they questioned whether disrupting the biological clock could have negative consequences on heart health. The experts collected data on sleep and awakening times about 6 years after the first registration. The sample examined was made up of about 80,000 subjects of which 3.6% developed cardiovascular disease during the follow-up.

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The information gathering tool was a wrist accelerometer which recorded several parameters. By comparing the data with the times of bedtime, the researchers noted that compared to those who went to bed between 22:00 and 22:59, the risk of heart disease increased. They recorded a 25% higher risk in those who went to bed at midnight or later. Just as risky would be going to bed before 10pm with 24% more exposure. These latest data have been evident both in women and in men and suggest further insights into the matter. From what has emerged so far, the ideal time to fall asleep without compromising heart functioning would therefore be between 22:00 and 23:00.


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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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