Home Ā» The quarrel between a robot dog and a dachshund is the symbol of the future that awaits us

The quarrel between a robot dog and a dachshund is the symbol of the future that awaits us

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They chase and aim, as any two dogs would. Only one of the two has. On the one hand there is a dachshund in flesh and blood, on the other a robot dog, similar to the popular prototype developed by Boston Dynamics, called Spot, made of circuits, bolts and cameras. This scene, which could be defined simply bizarre, one of those curious videos that are forwarded to friends on WhatsApp, actually symbolizes a future that is now upon us in which these quadruped robots will be part of our life.

This video, released by Reuters, actually dates back to last June and was shot in St. Petersburg, near the venue where the International Economic Forum was taking place. The level of interaction and the robot’s movements are impressive.

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