Home » Beware of high cholesterol and high blood pressure as they may be signs of a deficiency in this essential mineral

Beware of high cholesterol and high blood pressure as they may be signs of a deficiency in this essential mineral

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To function at its best, our body needs the right amount of vitamins and mineral salts every day. Both the deficiency and the excess of micronutrients could, in fact, cause significant problems and symptoms. For example, difficulty digesting and excessive sweating could mean excess of this substance. For this reason it becomes essential to learn to “listen” to the signals that the body sends us. And especially if we notice that something is wrong, we should immediately contact the attending physician. So beware of high cholesterol and high blood pressure as they could be signs of a deficiency of this essential mineral. Let’s see what it is and the foods that contain more of it. Let’s try to include them in a balanced diet and we will give a big hand to our health.

Beware of high cholesterol and high blood pressure as they may be signs of a deficiency in this essential mineral

Among the essential mineral salts for the well-being of the organism we always tend to mention iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Or phosphorus and zinc. In fact, the body also needs another fundamental and often overlooked mineral: manganese.

Our body contains just 20 mg, but they are really essential. Manganese is, in fact, responsible for many functions. Primarily it is a component of the enzyme engaged in the fight against dangerous free radicals. Secondly, it contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system and helps us metabolize cholesterol and carbohydrates.

And its deficiency, although very rare, can cause symptoms that should not be underestimated.

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Symptoms of manganese deficiency

Humanitas experts point out that a severe lack of manganese could cause damage to the pancreas and heart. But not only. If we don’t integrate the right amount of this mineral into the body, we could experience high blood pressure, high cholesterol, chills and neurological problems. And we will never stop reiterating that if we recognize one or more of these symptoms we should avoid DIY integration. The only possible way is to contact the doctor who will recommend the right diet or therapy for our situation.

In which foods is manganese found

Fortunately for us, we can find excellent concentrations of manganese in many winter foods. Broccoli is very rich in it, as are cauliflower and spinach. And if we don’t particularly love green leafy vegetables, we can opt for whole grains and nuts like almonds and hazelnuts. In any case, we try to avoid the opposite effect, which is the excess of mineral.

For adult men, the daily requirement is around 2.3 mg. For women it drops to 1.9 mg.


Nausea, depression, cramps and fatigue could be the first signs of a deficiency of this precious vitamin

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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