Home » Treviso, “The bomb placed in the headquarters of the League could kill”

Treviso, “The bomb placed in the headquarters of the League could kill”

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The bomb that in 2018 was placed at K3, headquarters of the League

The appraisal ordered by the Court of Assizes established that the bomb placed in 2018 at K3 “within a distance of 4 meters could have had lethal effects”

TREVISO. The bomb positioned near the headquarters of the League and fortunately unexploded was potentially fatal. “Within a distance of 4 meters, if the explosion were triggered,” it could have had lethal effects. ” This is what was established by the expert opinion ordered by the Court of Assizes to weigh the potential of the attack of which he is accused of Antonio Sorroche Fernandez, 43-year-old Spaniard accused of being the anarcho-insurrectionist author of the double bomb-trap placed in 2018 at the K3 street Fountains in Villorba.

Antonio Sorroche Fernandez, 43-year-old Spaniard accused of having planted the bomb at K3

The result of the analysis, carried out by scientifically and effectively simulating the effect of the possible explosion of the device, however, lends itself to a double reading. If on the one hand, as also claimed by the civil party, the League, represented by the lawyer Stefano Trubian, demonstrates how highly offensive and deadly it was to anyone operating nearby; on the other, as claimed by the defense of Sorroche (lawyer Giampietro Matei), precisely by virtue of the limited scope of his action, he highlights how he could not cause the massacre of which Sorroche is accused, on which a charge of “massacre” hangs and terrorist attack “.

In fact, even the explosive system that was supposed to plant nails within a range of several meters (this could injure a possible large number of people) did not work. THE nails, explained the expert, were “fired” by the detonation only in part thanks to the fact that the pot itself, which was supposed to act as a sounding board for the explosion, did not shatter but only lost the lid.

Now it will be up to the Court to make the necessary distinctions, and to establish the offensive potential of the artisanal bomb of the Spanish anarchist who months ago, in video link with the courtroom, had said from the prison: “The massacres with violent method do not belong to the anarchism and I refuse them, “he said in the courtroom. “Today the state would like to accuse me of being a massacre as an anarchist, and this is particularly sneaky”.

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