Home » For the Came it is pitch dark The Olimpus passes to Dosson and the ranking is infernal

For the Came it is pitch dark The Olimpus passes to Dosson and the ranking is infernal

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New defeat the Came Dosson who now finds himself more and more entangled in the playout area. A game that repeatedly saw the referees judge interventions that were not foul when in reality they were, they let it run to the detriment of the ball carriers, especially Vieira. The first few minutes were of study, then in the 5 ‘came the first important opportunity of the Came with Juan Fran hitting the outside post. At 7 ‘, thanks to a contrast lost just outside the area by Di Guida, Bagatin wins the ball and scores the advantage. At 9 ‘corner kick with Di Guida who delivers to Dener who turns around and achieves a draw. At 13 ‘outside Galliani’s post while on the opposite side from the corner kick scheme Dimas goes into the net for the second advantage and immediately after, on a defensive blunder, Pietrangelo has to get out of his area: the Romans hit the post. The return to the field does not change things much with the hosts who make many mistakes in the defensive phase and in fact in the 3 ‘Nicolodi goes on the net that exceeds Pietrangelo on exit. At 6 ‘D’Orto’s boys commit a foul and on the consequent punishment Dener from long distance throws into the net and shortens for 2 to 3. At 11 Di Guida hits the post and at 17’ mister Rocha makes Galliani enter as fifth in movement but by now it’s too late. –

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Marino Silvestri

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