Home » The director of the Pneumology of Belluno: get vaccinated to stay protected from the serious effects of Covid

The director of the Pneumology of Belluno: get vaccinated to stay protected from the serious effects of Covid

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Rodolfo Muzzolon’s appeal: “We had to induce childbirth to three pregnant women who had not immunized and had Covid”

BELLUNO. An increasingly complex situation in the province of Belluno with regard to infections from Covid. In 24 hours, 112 new positives were recorded, causing the total infected to break through 1,100. There are also 2,071 people in quarantine, while the number of people hospitalized is growing day by day. Today, 14 December, there are already 41 patients, of which 30 in non-critical areas of hospitals, four in intensive care and seven in the community hospital of Feltre.

“The numbers, compared to the same period last year, of positives and hospitalizations are significantly lower today, but we must not let our guard down,” said the director general. Maria Grazia Carraro, taking stock of the situation. “The only thing that made a difference was the vaccine. And I’m particularly concerned about those over 60 who don’t even have a dose of the vaccine. Let us remember that the numbers of hospitalizations today are low, but if they increase we will be forced to reduce “normal” hospital services to the detriment of those who have other pathologies and should be treated ”.

In reality, in hospitals today the patients are relatively young and above all they are not vaccinated or had the vaccine 8-9 months ago. This is said by the director of the Pneumology of Belluno, Rodolfo Muzzolon that sounds the alarm. “The vaccine works, it has been shown, but it loses its effectiveness after 5-6 months. So people currently hospitalized either have two doses of the vaccine done between March and April, or are not immunized. And we’re talking about healthy people, anyway, between the ages of 45 and 64. . I believe that the vaccine is an act of solidarity as well as of personal protection “.

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Muzzolon recalls that during these months “it also happened that he had to induce childbirth to save the child, in three pregnant women who had Covid and had not been vaccinated. Even pregnant and breastfeeding women can get vaccinated ”.

The head of the Pneumology of San Martino then highlights how about seventy people who have had the virus and who have to deal with the so-called long Covid, that is the effects of the infection, are under control. “We are treating about seventy people, especially those who have come out of intensive care. We have seen that only a small percentage reported serious effects even after months. They range from respiratory problems to neurological and psychological ones “.

There are now over 200 bookings of children from 5 to 11 years old for the vaccination campaign against Coronavirus in pediatric age. The first inoculations will already take place on Thursday 16 December. “Even in children, the vaccine is a very important element of protection”, recalled Giampaolo Risdonne, the provincial referent for free choice pediatricians. “Let’s not forget that there were also deaths in infancy, hospitalizations in intensive care. And consider the effects on the respiratory system of the virus in children. So we also vaccinate children “.

In the district of Belluno, which also includes the territories of Cadore, Comelico and Agordino, pediatricians will administer the vaccine in their clinics, while in the district of Feltre most will refer to the vaccination center of Sedico.


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