Home » Houellebecq returns to the bookstore with “Annihilate”

Houellebecq returns to the bookstore with “Annihilate”

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The controversial French writer Michel Houellebecq returns to the bookstore on January 7, with an awaited work whose contents are unknown, “Anéantir”, to annihilate. This was revealed by his publishing house, Flammarion. No interview or meeting with the press was foreseen by the writer. A true literary event, Houellebecq’s new work – his 8 / o book – is eagerly awaited after two years of silence following the release of “Serotonina”.

The novel is particularly long, 736 pages and will have the current events of today’s France as a guiding thread. So it was in 2015 with “Submission” – which foreshadowed the coming to power in 2022 of a Muslim president – and in 2019 with “Serotonina”, where there was an echo of the Yellow Vests movement in the pages in which the blockade of a highway for farmers’ protest.

«The Italian edition of Michel Houellebecq’s new novel will be released on 7 January, simultaneously with the French edition. The title of the novel is Annihilate. A fluvial novel, a narrative architecture with unforgettable characters, perhaps the most powerful novel by Michel Houellebecq. Among all the characters, there is a woman, Prudence, imagined on the cover of the Italian edition, source of light and last resistance, in the life of the male protagonist, Paul », explains Elisabetta Sgarbi, publisher La nave di Teseo.

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