Home » Many of us drink it every morning and yet this delicious drink could be an enemy of heart and brain

Many of us drink it every morning and yet this delicious drink could be an enemy of heart and brain

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There are certainly some habits most of us have to start the day off on the right foot. Many, for example, always like to have breakfast in the same way and in the place chosen for this meal. Others have a very specific routine, as if it seems like a ritual, to make sure they are storing all the energy needed to face the day. And up to here there would be no problem. The latter, however, arises when some of these habits may not be exactly positive for our body. In fact, there are some actions we take automatically that would not benefit our health at all.

Many of us drink it every morning and yet this delicious drink could be an enemy of heart and brain

We have already talked about habits that could annoy our organism in the past. For example, in our previous article, we indicated an action performed by many during the morning, which however risks making the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood higher. Or, in another article, we mentioned a drink that most of us consume upon waking, which in some cases could raise blood sugar levels. Today we continue to see some habits, which would be best changed for our health under the advice of a doctor, of course. And let’s look carefully at a drink that many people like and that quenches thirst a lot but which, in fact, in large quantities may not be ideal. In fact, many of us drink it every morning and yet this delicious drink could be an enemy of heart and brain.

Fruit juice, an ultra-processed food that may not be a friend to our health

Many pay particular attention to their diet, especially because they are aware of the impact that this can have on health. In some cases, however, some information escapes and we do not always realize that we are making a mistake. In fact, many love fruit juice and love to drink it especially in the early morning. But, as the Veronesi Foundation explains, we are dealing with an ultra-processed food. Scholars explain in detail, after careful research, how these foods and drinks can have a strong negative impact on health. And, especially on the vascular and cerebral ones. This is likely due to a high amount of simple sugars added to these foods. So what we should do is talk to our trusted doctor.

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If we are among those who have this habit and who drink fruit juice every morning (or almost), it would be better to talk to an expert. In this way, in fact, it will certainly be easier to understand the right quantities to consume. In fact, it does not mean that now we will have to abandon fruit juice forever, but we will simply have to review its consumption. So we can not give up this pleasure but, at the same time, protect our health.


The very wrong daily habits that everyone has and that make you look 10 years older

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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