Home » The health pass? it should be suspended. Word of the director of the Finnish Health Service

The health pass? it should be suspended. Word of the director of the Finnish Health Service

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The vaccination pass should disappear in Finland, because it is too dangerous. The Vaccine Pass is expected to be temporarily abandoned, says Markku Tervahauta, director general of the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). This would mean that lockdown measures would apply to everyone, regardless of vaccination status. According to the technician, this tool is dangerous, especially now that the Omicron variant has arrived, against which the coverage is much less.

“Unvaccinated people who have had the corona test can take part in the same large gatherings as vaccinated ones. At the moment the situation is a bit absurd in terms of health protection ”.

Therefore, for the Finnish Health Service the passport should be gradually withdrawn. The law currently in force, the vaccination pass could only be suspended for a month by a government decree, but to cancel it, the law must be redone.

“There is no such thing in preparation yet. But situations change rapidly. Of course, we must also consider this. In the next few days things will become clearer on this, ”Tervahauta replies.

Another way to cancel the vaccination pass would be to close certain activities at the regional level, but this could not apply to restaurants and would lead to the paradox that one could close a gym, but allow parties in restaurants. So the only solution would be the complete cancellation of the pass.

Finnish legislation, like that of other European countries. it has been defined in a very rigid way: it cannot be changed, except for a short time. There can be no intermediate solution, or the vaccine pass is there, or there isn’t, and now it’s more of a problem than an advantage. Unfortunately, the laws are written by men who do not realize that the world is not black or white, but has many shades.

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