Home » New mutant strains swept across the United States, “The Closer” Biden gave a speech without a mask! |Biden|United States|Support Rating_Sina News

New mutant strains swept across the United States, “The Closer” Biden gave a speech without a mask! |Biden|United States|Support Rating_Sina News

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Original title: New mutant strains swept across the United States, “Blitter” Biden gave a speech without a mask!

  [环球时报记者 林日 陈欣 柳玉鹏]Distributing 500 million new coronavirus detection kits for free, dispatching 1,000 military medical personnel at any time… On the 21st local time, US President Biden delivered a national television speech, announcing his “operation plan against the Omikeron mutant strain” “. He tried to show that the U.S. government is capable of responding to the epidemic in order to soothe the fatigue and panic of the people. However, there was not much applause and many doubts in the public opinion field, and Republicans did not let go of this opportunity to criticize Biden. The US media believes that with a promise to lead the United States to defeat the new crown virus and win the presidency, it has to face the reality of an increase of hundreds of thousands of cases. It seems that Biden’s administration for nearly a year has not made the United States better. In addition to the epidemic, the United States is also experiencing soaring inflation, new diseases that deteriorate the supply chain, political divisions, and frequent social security issues. In various polls released by different agencies, Biden’s repeatedly low approval ratings reflect domestic dissatisfaction. In his last speech on the 21st this year, US Secretary of State Blincoln still used allies to deal with the so-called Sino-Russian “threat” to boast of the diplomatic “achievements” of this year. Some US media commented that, entering the second year of his presidency, Biden’s most difficult task is to convince the American people that this country is on the right path.

Biden profile picture.Picture Source Vision China

  “The Closer” Biden speaks without a mask

“The White House was coated with a new layer of sugar, decorated with small garlands, surrounded by mini gas stations, police stations, grocery stores and schools.” The British “Guardian” reported on the 22nd from Washington, when Biden When striding into the State Banquet Hall of the White House on Tuesday and delivering a speech similar to a wartime speech, the virus-free exquisite world depicted in this gingerbread house work became an inconsistent background. For a president who relied on sympathy to win the election and promised to defeat the virus, the fear of Omi Kejon’s sweeping the United States meant trouble.

“Biden announced a battle plan against Omi Keron.” The Washington Post reported that Biden announced the federal government’s plan to purchase 500 million home rapid test kits on the 21st, saying that it will go through a dedicated website in January next year. Free distribution to the public in need. He also instructed Secretary of Defense Austin to dispatch 1,000 military medical personnel at any time to assist overburdened hospitals everywhere. At the same time, the US Federal Emergency Management Agency is preparing to deploy hundreds of ambulances and medical teams, and establish new vaccination sites. According to Reuters, Biden warned in a shocking tone about the risks faced by a quarter of American adults who have not yet been vaccinated, that this choice may be the difference between life and death.

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When Biden made the above remarks, Omi Keron had replaced Delta as the “mainstream” new coronavirus in the United States. According to the New York Times, there were 188,798 newly confirmed cases in the United States on the 21st. Biden himself has also become a “closer” to the confirmed cases. On the “Air Force One” last Friday, he had close contact with a later confirmed official for about 30 minutes. In his speech on the 21st, Biden coughed, cleared his throat several times and did not wear a mask to become a media topic. After a new coronavirus test was negative, he will be tested again on the 22nd.

The Associated Press commented that under the urging of public health experts for more than a year, the US government will finally provide the public with free new coronavirus testing directly for the first time. The Omi Keron mutant strain requires the federal government to respond more aggressively, but Biden promised a tired country that schools or businesses will not be closed on a large scale. US Fox News said that just two weeks ago, White House Press Secretary Psaki scorned the idea of ​​distributing testing reagents to the public for free. “Every American does it once?” She satirized the reporter who asked the question in an exasperated tone. “How much does that cost? What then?”

Biden tried to reassure the American people, saying that “it is not March 2020” and to ensure that the United States is capable of confronting Omi Keron. But the “New York Times” website published a headline report on the 22nd that in the case of a surge in cases, Omi Keron turned the joyous Christmas and New Year season into exhaustion and dissatisfaction. Interviews with more than 20 people across the country show that Americans are not only panicking, they are exhausted by the “coaster coaster” and confused by the conflicting information of experts and leaders.

For Biden, it is not easy to advance the new anti-epidemic plan. The Guardian said that in the United States, the epidemic is “political,” and Omi Keron undoubtedly added fuel to the fire. As the senior American writer David Leonhardt said, partisanship is the biggest factor in determining the vaccination rate. Biden’s national speech on the 21st immediately drew rebuttals from Republicans. Fox News reported that Republican governors and lawmakers accused Biden of inciting fear of the new crown virus in order to exercise his power. As a conservative media, the host of Fox TV also criticized the plan for coming too late, saying that Biden was always “behind time.”

  Economic support rate becomes the “worst”

When the United States is facing a new wave of epidemic storms brought by Omi Kejon, Biden is suffering from the impact of a “polluting storm.” According to the latest poll conducted jointly by the global data intelligence company Morning Consult and the US Political News Network, 42% of respondents believe that Biden’s governing achievements are lower than voters expected. Two days ago, in a poll conducted by the National Public Radio and the Marist College Public Opinion Research Institute, Biden’s approval rate hit a record low, falling to 41%. Compared with when he first took office in January, this number has dropped by 10 percentage points. In particular, the support rate of independent voters has dropped sharply. About 66% of independent voters are dissatisfied with Biden. This group is the key for the Democratic Party to win the White House and Congress in the 2020 election.

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“Biden’s image in the eyes of the American public is struggling.” CNN said that Biden’s approval rate on a series of issues has fallen, and economic difficulties may be the most obvious. His current net economic rating is the lowest level of any successive president of the United States in his first term since 1977. Biden’s economic net approval rate is -13 points, and Bush Jr. with the best performance is +37 points. Biden’s performance is also lower than that of his two predecessors-Obama and Trump, both of which have a net economic support rate of -4 points.

Former Republican presidential candidate Pat Buchanan wrote an article on the 21st criticizing “Biden is already a loser.” Although his remarks are obviously partisan, they also point to the current problems in the United States. He said that the number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the United States has reached 51 million, and the death toll has exceeded 800,000. The inflation rate has soared to 6.8%, which means that not only does the price of gasoline and groceries increase beyond the ability of millions of families to pay, but every middle-class family saves $100,000 in the first year of Biden’s administration. Nearly 7,000 dollars. From time to time, the TV shows “flash mobs” entering the room and robbery. “In Biden’s America, civilization seems to be collapsing.”

According to data released by the US Census Bureau on the 21st, between July 2020 and July 2021, the population growth rate in the United States was only 0.1%, adding 393,000 people, the lowest level since the founding of the United States. “The Wall Street Journal” commented that for a long time, net population growth has been the main driving force of US economic growth. In the past 10 years, there has been an average increase of more than 2 million people per year. Kenneth Johnson, a demographer at the University of New Hampshire, described the change as “shocking.” He told the Associated Press: “Of course, it is mainly because of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, but this is not the whole reason.”

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“Biden’s biggest challenge in 2022 is how to persuade Americans.” The U.S. Market Watch commented that as Biden prepares to enter the second year of his presidency, inflation, the new crown pneumonia epidemic, political divisions and the hardships of Democrats The prospect of midterm elections has become a challenge for him. These issues converge into Biden’s most difficult task in the coming months: to convince the American people that this country is on the right path.

The British “Economist” magazine said that Biden’s slogan when he was running for president was to restore the “soul of America” ​​and bring Congress back to normal. Neither goal seems to have been achieved. Biden, who has been in power for a year, received a Christmas gift that was “filled with coal” (meaning Santa’s gift to bad children—Editor’s note): Democratic Senator Manchin clearly opposed Biden’s core political agenda. Better” Social Expenditure Act. The Guardian said that now Biden needs one or two miracles.

  Blinken exaggerates diplomatic “achievements”

During the media’s inventory of Biden this year, US Secretary of State Blincol also summarized his first-year term. He spent a lot of space boasting about the “achievements” of American diplomacy and mentioned China and Russia twice. Russian Satellite News Agency reported on the 22nd that Brinken claimed on the 21st that the United States under Biden once again played a leading role. He said that compared with a year ago, the United States and its allies and partners are more aligned on almost all issues, including responding to Russia’s “aggression” against Ukraine and neighboring countries, and China’s efforts to “challenge the international order”. “The United States is in a stronger geopolitical position to deal with countries like China and Russia.”

Foreign affairs columnist David Ignatius wrote in the “Washington Post” on the 22nd that when Blincoln began his last speech of the year, he said “this is a long year” with an engraved on his face. Fatigue and stress of the past 11 months. The biggest mistake of the Biden administration was withdrawing troops from chaos in Afghanistan. Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post stated that Brinken admitted that if the US government cannot reach a sufficient consensus in Washington on its domestic agenda, it will be difficult for the US government to maintain its global leadership status even with a close network of world allies.

The Russian Sputnik News Agency quoted the “Expert” magazine as saying that before many people thought that the aggressive policies of the Trump era would be revised, but in fact, Biden continued the practice of his predecessor in all aspects. The anti-China and anti-Russian policies pursued by the United States have made it lose its leeway, and it is pushing Beijing and Moscow to interact more actively and get closer.

Editor in charge: Zhang Yu


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