Home » For the Independiente there is a desire for redemption

For the Independiente there is a desire for redemption

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She ended the year very badly with three defeats in a row. The goal is to recover the many injured players


There is a great desire to restart in 2022 with renewed enthusiasm and above all with the infirmary emptied as much as possible. In the Independiente Ivrea house during the Christmas holidays, work will continue to try to recover both Angela and Trabucco from their respective injuries, while there will be nothing to do for Sala, Mussano and Lavarone, all three struggling with the rupture of the cruciate ligament. .

Very serious losses: «Unfortunately this year we have been killed by many injuries – says the technical collaborator of Coach Pairotto, Alessandro Di Bartolo – so we can also explain the seventh place in the standings, at an altitude of sixteen and only three points from the playout area. In these eleven matches we have practically never been able to field the starting formation and among the injured who will be out for a while there are three very important pawns for us: Sala in defense and the forwards Mussano and Lavarone, but in 2022 we will have to know how to make up for the their forced absence. As far as the injury chapter is concerned, we hope to recover at least Angela and Trabucco in defense and thus be able to plan Meda’s away match against Real on Sunday 9 January, at the resumption of the championship, with some more certainty. We will train on Monday 27th, Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th in Romano Canavese and we will do a little preparation call, then break the lines until Monday 2 January, when we will enter the championship week. We will not train on the Epiphany, Thursday 6, while on the other days we will carry out four training sessions – explains Di Bartolo -. If during the course of work the possibility of making some friendly matches occurs, we will evaluate the feasibility with the entire staff, also depending on the physical condition of the team ».

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Independiente Ivrea is called in the new year to start immediately on the right foot, given that the last three defeats of 2021, against Azalee Solbiatese, Pavia Academy and Spezia have removed the Ivrea team from the top positions in the standings and Meda’s away match represents already a good test (Real Meda is the first team currently in the playout area). Statistics in hand, the team of coach Massimo Pairotto of the formations that precede it in the standings, only beat Genoa women 2-1, while one aspect on which it needs to improve is the defensive one, given that it has collected 22 goals resulting in the tenth defense of the tournament. –

L. P.

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