Home » 7 years more than 7.3 billion cubic meters of “south water” into Beijing, Beijing’s groundwater level rose 9.14 meters_YNET.com北青网

7 years more than 7.3 billion cubic meters of “south water” into Beijing, Beijing’s groundwater level rose 9.14 meters_YNET.com北青网

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In 7 years, over 7.3 billion cubic meters of “South Water” entered Beijing and over 13 million people directly benefited and helped conserve and replenish the water source, Beijing’s groundwater level rose by 9.14 meters

On December 12, 2014, the first phase of the middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project was opened. On December 27 of the same year, the Danjiangkou Reservoir, which had traveled 1,276 kilometers, rushed into Beijing. A reporter from Beijing Youth Daily learned from the Municipal Water Affairs Bureau that as of yesterday, more than 7.3 billion cubic meters of “Nanshui” had entered Beijing. In the past seven years, 7.3 billion “South Water” has provided escort for the optimized allocation of multiple water sources in Beijing, strengthening of urban water supply guarantees, improving strategic water resources reserves, conserving and replenishing water sources, and escorting the scientific, unified and refined scheduling of water resources.

According to reports, in the past seven years, Beijing has built a total of 80 kilometers of the middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, and about 170 kilometers of supporting water pipelines in the city (including 22 kilometers of reverse pipelines from the Tuancheng Lake Regulating Pool to Miyun Reservoir); There are 13 water plants receiving South Water, with a daily processing capacity of 4.68 million cubic meters, and the city’s direct beneficiary population exceeds 13 million; 3 new storage facilities with a volume of 40 million cubic meters have been added, realizing the mid-line water and Miyun water transfer of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project. With the connection of the reservoirs, the project has an annual water intake capacity of more than 1.05 billion cubic meters, and the actual annual average transfer of water is about 1.2 billion cubic meters. “Southern Water” has gradually become the main source of water to ensure urban water demand, effectively alleviating the shortage of water resources in Beijing.

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How to use the 7.3 billion “South Water”? The Beijing Municipal Water Affairs Bureau stated that the use of “Southern Water” adheres to the principle of “saving, drinking, storing, and replenishing” water, and scientifically and meticulously develops optimized allocation and unified dispatch of water resources to maximize the saving of hard-won high-quality water resources. Under the premise of satisfying the “full drinking” of the city’s water plants, actively research and plan to use “Southern Water” to increase groundwater replenishment in a timely manner. Take a variety of measures to use the water source of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project to store large and medium-sized reservoirs in Miyun, Huairou, Daning, etc., and use the “South Water” and the upstream of Miyun Reservoir to implement groundwater replenishment and conservation in the Mihuaishun area, and gradually replenish it due to extreme water shortages over the years The historical debts of the water source that led to over-exploitation.

Through the systematic replenishment of water into the river, into the sea and into the land, the five major rivers of Yongding River, Chaobai River, Bei Canal, Jian River, and Juma River realize the full flow of water into the sea, and the Beijing section of the Grand Canal is open to navigation. In 2021, 27 new rivers with water will be added in the city, the length of newly added rivers will be 452.61 kilometers, and the water surface will be increased by 32 square kilometers. On August 23, the water storage capacity of Miyun Reservoir reached 3.359 billion cubic meters, breaking the highest record in history. Beijing’s groundwater level has rebounded for six consecutive years. As of December 17, 2021, the average buried depth of groundwater in the plains of the city was 16.52 meters. Compared with the same period in 2014, the groundwater level has risen by 9.14 meters, and groundwater reserves have increased by 4.68 billion cubic meters. The water quality and water ecological health in the river continue to improve, the concentration of various pollutants has dropped significantly, the aquatic biodiversity and aquatic functions of some river basins have been restored, the population of aquatic animals and plants has steadily increased, and a group of rare waterfowls such as black storks have become frequent visitors. .

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In addition, the city focuses on ecological protection and precise poverty alleviation, deeply grateful for the people’s grace of sending water thousands of miles in the water source area, and cooperates with 16 counties and urban areas in the water source area of ​​Henan and Hubei South-to-North Water Diversion Middle Route. Since 2014, the city has arranged a total of 4 billion yuan in collaboration funds and implemented more than 1,000 collaborative projects, focusing on supporting water quality protection, ecological characteristic industry development, targeted poverty alleviation, improvement of people’s livelihood, public services, industrial transformation, and cadre training. The improvement of the ecological environment of the district and the high-quality economic and social development have provided a certain supporting role.

The Municipal Water Affairs Bureau emphasized that since the South-to-North Water Diversion Project was opened, although the water shortage situation in Beijing has been effectively alleviated, the contradiction between water supply and demand has not been fundamentally resolved. It is the basic city and water conditions that Beijing must face for a long time, and it is the bottleneck of ecological civilization construction and sustainable economic and social development. “Therefore, Beijing needs to promote the construction of a water-saving city in an orderly manner.” The relevant person in charge said that the city actively advocates the “Light Bottle Action”, and the whole people reach a consensus on water saving; bid farewell to “there is water, but the river is dry.” “, thoroughly control 142 black and odorous water bodies; promote the construction of sponge cities, and frequent waterlogging has been treated; the reuse of reclaimed water has continued to increase, and the use of reclaimed water has exceeded 1.2 billion cubic meters; New business card: The rule of law, systems, mechanisms and infrastructure guarantee systems for water affairs are improving day by day, and the effectiveness of water governance in the capital has been significantly improved.

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Text/Reporter Xie Li, Correspondent Wang Yihan

Source: Beijing Youth Daily

Editor in charge: Zhang Yuan (EN003)


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