Home » Signal Hill: The reality behind the prosperity is very skinny. How does the “last mile” of charging piles break the game?

Signal Hill: The reality behind the prosperity is very skinny. How does the “last mile” of charging piles break the game?

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The increase in the number of new energy vehicles has driven the demand for charging facilities. Compared with the data at the end of December last year, Qingdao’s charging piles in the first 11 months of this year have grown by more than 39%. The charging piles are developing rapidly, and there may be more and more calls for charging piles to enter the community. The phenomenon is quite common.

The citizen Mr. Su just disposed of the new energy vehicle he had driven for more than a year and replaced it with a fuel vehicle. More than a year of car experience made him feel exhausted. Because of the blockage of the community property, he could not install charging piles in the parking spaces. Moreover, his commuting distance of nearly 100 kilometers a day requires charging once every two or three days. It is difficult to charge. Becomes the main reason why he changed cars.

According to CCTV reports, due to the frequent charging of new energy vehicles in winter, “public charging piles basically rely on “grabbing” in some places, and car owners get up at four in the morning to grab the charging piles” phenomenon. The problem of electric car charging is still the most concern for users, and it is more necessary to consider their own conditions in light of local conditions than traditional petrol cars. At present, the technology of new energy vehicles is becoming more and more mature, and the driving experience even exceeds that of traditional fuel vehicles, and the cost of the car will be lower, but the difficulty of charging is still the most important problem hindering the development of new energy vehicles.

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“Charging pile anxiety” plagues new energy car owners, and the mileage anxiety and endurance pain points of new energy car owners have begun to magnify, especially the old difficulty of installing charging piles in old communities has once again attracted attention.

Since there are few charging piles, can new energy car owners install charging piles by themselves? Now many manufacturers don’t provide charging piles? In fact, many communities do not support household owners to install charging piles by themselves, because many are old communities. The conditions for installing private piles are not available. In addition, the installation of a private pile of the National Grid requires a certificate of a fixed parking space and a seal of the property, which is very complicated. Earlier, Weimar Chairman Shen Hui stated on Weibo that “Weimar delivered more than 40,000 vehicles this year, but nearly 20,000 of the charging piles delivered with the vehicles could not be delivered.”

On December 14, the relevant notice jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology once again emphasized the need to speed up the construction of supporting facilities such as charging piles and power replacement stations. As early as October 2015, the State Council also clarified the principle of “appropriately advanced” construction of charging infrastructure in relevant guidance opinions. However, in contrast to reality, related construction has not only failed to be “advanced”, but has been a bit “retarded.” Liu Yongdong, deputy secretary-general of the China Electricity Council, suggested: “Grid companies can take on more obligations, such as electricity generation, laying of lines, and even in the community, the grid company will unify accessories to break the inherent model. Now each of our charging pile products Performance and quality are different, and there will be difficulties in operation and maintenance. In the future, this standard can be unified and handed over to charging pile operators to manage and use resources. This requires more detailed documents.”

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In fact, the primary problem facing the development of the charging pile industry is “difficulty in profitability”. Therefore, when the profit model is not yet clear, there will be many constraints in the construction of charging infrastructure. The new energy vehicle charging facility is not only a physical charging pile, it also has a vertical space for in-depth development, such as the development of smart grid, Internet, Internet of Things, and big data genes.

“The time-sharing of private charging piles can alleviate the contradiction between the number of charging piles in residential communities and the scale of vehicles.” The relevant person in charge of the State Grid Corporation said that technologies such as the Internet should be used in the construction and operation of charging piles to make charging facilities like cars. The parts are as safe and reliable as refueling, and the settlement is as simple as mobile payment.

To break the “last mile” of charging piles, the interests of all parties must be balanced, and the policy and technical aspects of the development of multiple parties can be resolved smoothly.Xinwang commentator Chen Xiaoyu

[来源:信网 编辑:三人目]

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