Home » The Omicron stops the A2 series for two rounds

The Omicron stops the A2 series for two rounds

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Too many infections in the teams. The last stop for Covid dates back to the beginning of the pandemic, but at least this is how the Old Wild West breathes

UDINE. The Omicron variant goes crazy and basketball stops. After another morning full of press releases relating to infections and quarantines (yesterday in A2 they recorded positive swabs Treviglio, Biella and Chieti, which are added to those of Udine, Verona, Assigeco, Mantua, Trapani and Cento), in the afternoon of Thursday ordered the competitive sector. Fip accepted the request of the National Basketball League to postpone the 13th championship (including Orzinuovi-Apu), scheduled for Sunday 2 January, to Sunday 16 January.

The 14th day has been postponed to a later date, initially scheduled for January 9th. In this way it will be possible to conclude the first round of A2 in a short time and have the picture of the eight qualified to the Final Eight of the Italian Cup.

The shifts of January 9th and 16th (respectively 14th and 15th return day: Apu-Assigeco and Casale-Apu) will be rescheduled later: calendar in hand, midweek shifts will be used. For the APU it is a relief: it will be able to calmly recover men and physical shape after quarantine. Chapter swabs: all negative those carried out on Wednesday, today the results of the molecular are expected.

Michele Antonutti, who is not subject to isolation because he is not in contact with the team due to his well-known convalescence, continues in the post Covid recovery program. On Thursday’s field day, which recalled the first days of the pandemic in March 2020, when the basketball championships were stopped en masse, the Serie A championship was also stopped.

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The president of the LBA, Umberto Gandini, took note of a very heavy situation in terms of infections in the various teams of the top flight and has ordered the postponement of the 14th day of the championship to a later date.

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