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here is the decalogue with the 10 steps to do

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They are not finished yet but we list the decalogue to purify yourself after the holidays: we discover the detox mission.

the parties have not yet reached the end of the line, indeed, we are still in full swing, although the weather this year is far from a holiday given the recent pandemic data. But despite this there are many who do not give up eating even among a few close friends.

And even if this year the parties are in a reduced size, at least as regards the number of participants, it is not said that you do not eat as much as before. Indeed, many, taken by boredom, consume even more food.

Fonte: Canva

And then after all the bad things of the holidays it is good run for cover by starting a detox program to purify and eliminate waste and toxins from the body: we discover all the step da fare.

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Here’s how to cleanse yourself after the holidays

After the big Christmas and New Year’s binges, scheduled for tonight, take the shot detox mission. If it is true that the holidays are not over yet, because the Epiphany is missing, we still have to start running for cover, especially if we have gone too far.

purify after parties
Fonte: Canva

Cleansing yourself after the holidays then becomes essential to dispose of all the extravagances made during lunches, snacks and dinners. The body is visibly more fatigued. The belly is swollen, a classic symptom that is felt after a large meal.

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That is why in this regard we have provided you with some ideas to deflate the belly like the herbal tea based on fennel o la deflated kiwi belly drink. A great way to purify yourself.

We then discover the Decalogue to take to purify yourself after the Christmas holidays: here are the 10 steps.

1) Consume fruits and vegetables. They are essential foods to purify the body because they are rich in mineral salts, vitamins and antioxidants. Allies of the line, we should consume at least 5 portions a day. In particular fennel, artichokes, but also apples, lemons, kiwis.

2) Make 5 meals a day. A varied and balanced diet is important to ensure all nutrients. Skipping meals is not a good habit, on the contrary, it risks slowing down our metabolism, making us eat more at the next meal.

3) Making snacks. Based on fruit or yogurt, they help us not to get hungry for the next meal.

4) Olive oil for dressing. We avoid all fatty condiments such as butter and prefer extra virgin olive oil naturally without abusing it. Even better if we add it raw, otherwise it is also good for always cooking in small doses.

5) Limit the use of salt. Which creates water retention. By consuming less, we will immediately feel less swollen and weighed down. Instead of salt we use more spices that give flavor to food without making us fat.

6) Avoid preserved foods, snacks and those rich in additives. Better to consume foods that are fresh and do not contain chemical additives. Cleansing also means eating healthy and well.

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7) Drink water. To purify the body it is essential to hydrate. So, even if it is cold and we are less inclined to drink water because the feeling of thirst is less than in summer, let’s not forget to do it. Water promotes digestion and also helps us eat even less at the table, immediately giving us a sense of satiety. On average we should drink at least a couple of liters a day.

8) Get moving. Staying all the parties on the sofa or in bed does not promote weight loss or even the purification of the organism. The ideal is to do at least 30-40 minutes of physical activity a day. Not only that, moving also has powerful beneficial effects on the mind as well as the body.

9) Drink herbal tea. As mentioned at the beginning, herbal teas are also important to purify us, which can help us eliminate excess waste. We can choose from those with fennel, milk thistle, coriander, artichoke, dandelion etc.

10) Take probiotics. Yogurt is a food that we should normally introduce in our diet as it helps us to restore balance to the intestinal bacterial flora.

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Are you ready for the detox mission?

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