Home » Chaos tickets and 30 positives only in A Supercoppa Inter-Juve at risk

Chaos tickets and 30 positives only in A Supercoppa Inter-Juve at risk

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With the capacity reduced to 50%, the two clubs ask for a referral to the League

the case


Almost thirty positives in Serie A, ticket offices closed quickly and the Italian Super Cup moved. The balance of the new wave of Covid overwhelms football that thought it had left the hardest moment behind. The most evident symbol is represented by the decision of Inter and Juventus to ask for the postponement of the trophy scheduled for January 12 at San Siro. The two clubs took the initiative following a government measure that reduced the capacity of the stadiums from 75% to 50%. It no longer made sense to play in these conditions in Milan, the venue chosen in place of Saudi Arabia also to stage the challenge between Scudetto holders and the Italian Cup in front of their fans, rather than thousands of kilometers away. Blurred goal, with a half empty stadium. The reasoning obviously also has an economic implication, given that the collection with these new limits would have dropped to around 3 million, with a loss of another 1.5 million. The renunciation of the money guaranteed by the Saudi organizers would have become very heavy. Without forgetting the risk that in the next two weeks Palazzo Chigi will introduce further restrictions in the event of worsening of the infections. Better to relocate the match in the spring months at the end of the season, when the epidemiological situation will improve. The date will be chosen by Inter and Juventus together with the leaders of the Serie A League, taking into account the progress of the two teams in the cups.

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It is only the last chapter of a day marked by the suspension of presales for the resumption of the championship. Inter, Juventus, Atalanta, Bologna, Lazio, Naples and Rome have stopped the telematic box offices. The situation of the Giallorossi club is particularly delicate, which had already sold 42 thousand tickets for the match against Juventus on 9 January, about 10 thousand more than the seats available after the government scissoring. Now all the clubs will have to face a very complex procedure to relocate the fans with a distribution in which each sector must return to being only half filled. Although the real fear of the clubs is that, before the resumption of the championship at the Epiphany, more severe limitations may arrive, despite the reassurances of the undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, Andrea Costa: “I do not see further restrictions on the horizon – he tells Sky – much will depend on the trend of the next few days. I believe that the 50% reduction will allow us to face the next few weeks ». There is no better news from sports centers: 12 teams register infected players. The most affected is Salernitana with six cases, followed by Spezia with four. Victor Osimhen is positive in Nigeria. Giorgio Chiellini missed the session at Continassa due to direct contact. Edin Dzeko returned home from Pinetina as a precaution without training for a cold. –

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