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Hand in hand to welcome the Winter Olympics and to the future together_ Securities Times

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In more than a month, the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics will begin. President Xi Jinping issued a New Year’s message for the year 2012 and pointed out: We will wholeheartedly dedicate an Olympic Games to the world.

In the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, Yang Yang is busy and doing his best to leave the memory of the Winter Olympics that will be unforgettable. On the training ground, Sui Wenjing and Han Cong are conducting final sprint training to polish their skills and adjust their status. Step by step closer to the dream; in the park, Zhao Dan led a team of young volunteers to conduct field exercises to continuously optimize the service guarantee plan…

Let more people participate in the ice and snow sports, is the meaning of the Olympic movement. The glory of the Winter Olympics belongs to each of us. From a steel rolling worker to an ice maker, Liu Boqiang upholds the spirit of craftsmanship and uses superb skills to make ice and escort the athletes; Zeng Guoying, who has lived in Guangdong since childhood, has grown from a southern girl who “has almost never seen snow” Ski instructor; Zhang Haichao, a young man from Beijing, relies on the resources of the Winter Olympics to return to his hometown to start a homestay…Behind them is the full spread of ice and snow sports and the vigorous development of the ice and snow industry.

“The world looks forward to China, and China is ready.” In the hot winter, a vibrant China is thriving. Join hands to welcome the Winter Olympics, let us move towards the future together!


Yang Yang, Chairman of the Athletes Committee of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee——

Careful and dedicated service

The preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics have entered the final sprint stage, and Yang Yang has a full schedule every day. “We will create the best competition environment for the athletes and hope that they will have a pleasant time.” Yang Yang’s bright eyes were full of expectation.

I used to be an athlete, so I understand the needs of athletes best. In the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, Yang Yang won the women’s 500m and 1000m short track speed skating championships in succession, achieving the “zero breakthrough” in the gold medal of China’s Winter Olympics.

Yang Yang, who walked off the field, insisted on “producing the voice of Chinese athletes.” During her eight years as a member of the International Olympic Committee, she has always kept the rights of athletes in mind.

After Beijing’s successful bid for the Winter Olympics, Yang Yang served as the chairman of the Athletes Committee of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee. “From our personal experience and feelings, we provide advice and suggestions for the preparations for the Winter Olympics, and insist on taking athletes as the center, so that the needs and rights of athletes are fully guaranteed.” The athlete’s menu provides gluten-free food, and the figure skating arena prepares sewing kits… The recommendations made by the athlete committee include all aspects.

After personally experiencing the whole process of bidding and preparation, Yang Yang felt the most profoundly the vigorous development of ice and snow projects in recent years. At the time of the successful bid for the Winter Olympics in 2015, about one-third of the Olympic ice and snow events in my country had not been carried out. Today, Chinese ice and snow athletes are sprinting towards the goal of participating in all events.

“In competitive sports, we have cultivated more ice and snow sports talents through cross-industry and cross-sports selection of talents; in mass sports, more and more people are going to ice and snow and enjoy the happiness of ice and snow sports.” Drive 300 million people The vision of participating in ice and snow sports is realized step by step.” As an ice and snowman, these changes made her extremely proud.

“Together to the future” is the theme slogan of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics, and it is also the common aspiration of the whole world. The world looks forward to China, and China is ready and will wholeheartedly dedicate an Olympic Games to the world.

The Winter Olympics moment is approaching, Yang Yang sends a warm invitation to athletes all over the world. “Let’s meet in Beijing and once again ignite the world with the passion of the Olympics. Through high-level competitive competitions, let the charm of ice and snow sports be infected and inspiring, and attract more people to participate and love ice and snow sports.” Yang Yang said sincerely, “We We will do our best to use professional work and attentive service to leave a lifetime unforgettable memory of the Winter Olympics for athletes.”

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(Interviewed by Li Shuo from People’s Daily)

Figure skaters Sui Wenjing and Han Cong——

Go all out with no distractions

As time enters 2022, for Sui Wenjing and Han Cong, the stage of dreams is close at hand. Participating in the Winter Olympics at their doorstep, they are full of expectation and pride, “I hope to open a new chapter in their careers at the Beijing Winter Olympics!”

As the leading figures of the Chinese figure skating team, Sui Wenjing and Han Cong have been on the field for many years, have gone through ordinary training years, and have also experienced frustrated times full of injuries. “Fighting for the country” and “looking forward to the national anthem”, dreams are always buried in their hearts, inspiring them to continue to challenge and surpass themselves.

After the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics 4 years ago, Sui Wenjing underwent surgery due to a fatigue fracture of her right foot and missed most of the season. Han Cong underwent hip surgery in April 2020. However, the two of them have always been positive and uplifting, “only through experience can they grow.” Sui Wenjing said.

Every bright moment on the ice rink comes from struggle and persistence. Break through the difficulty, improve artistic expression, increase performance stability… They practice steadily step by step, and continue to prove themselves on the ice rink.

Affected by the epidemic, the Chinese figure skating team missed most of the ISU figure skating competitions last season. The Asian Figure Skating Open in October 2021 at the Capital Gymnasium became their first appearance of the season. It’s been a long time since they left the game, and they quickly recovered their form in each appearance. In the ISU Figure Skating Grand Prix in Canada and Italy, the two won again one after another.

“One month, 3 games, 6 sets of programs, jet lag several times, we have withstood the test.” Sui Wenjing said. Today, they are about to embark on their second Winter Olympics journey, “The goal is always the same, that is to show the best of themselves in the Winter Olympics.”

To fight at home, we must continue to polish technology, strive for perfection, and even adjust to a good state. “In the sprint phase, follow the coaching team to practice and promote the preparation plan.” They said that the country’s strong support and the coaching team’s meticulous care allowed them to devote themselves to the preparations without distraction. Step closer to the dream.”

(Interview and collation by People’s Daily reporter Ji Fang)

Zhao Dan, a double Olympic volunteer and teacher of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications——

Enthusiasm full of professional standards

Zhao Dan is the volunteer manager of the Beijing Olympic Park public area for the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics. He served in the Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games. From 2008 to 2022, she has personally experienced the development and progress of China’s volunteer service industry, and saw more and more young people devoting themselves to volunteer service, dedicating their youth with passion.

In April 2021, the “Meet in Beijing” ice project test event was held. In the “mock test” of the Winter Olympics, Zhao Dan led 20 volunteers to serve in 8 business areas, and successfully completed various tasks with professional and standardized services and a enthusiastic state of mind.

The service area of ​​the Olympic Park public area is located outdoors, with a wide range of services, a long time, and heavy tasks. In order to minimize the physical exertion of volunteers on the road in cold weather, Zhao Dan and the volunteer team used the lunch break to conduct field research and surveys, formulate the best job route and best scheduling plan, and ensure the efficient development of volunteer services. “Young people are not afraid of hardship and are creative. They are an important force in serving the Winter Olympics.” Zhao Dan said.

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At the Volunteer Home for volunteers to rest, Zhao Dan and his partners carefully designed exhibition boards, arranged activity spaces, compiled study manuals and volunteer work daily newspapers, and enriched volunteer life and enhanced team cohesion through various themed activities. “We use limited space to create infinite possibilities, and make volunteer homes a place for learning and a home for the soul.” She said.

Zhao Dan clearly remembers that on the last day of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, she and the volunteers who fought side by side were reluctant to leave for a long time, leaving a group photo in front of the National Stadium, impressing with a youthful smile. Before the start of the test activity in April 2021, she once again brought volunteers to the “Bird’s Nest” to take the same photos, hoping to pass on the Olympic spirit and volunteer spirit.

For the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics, Zhao Dan is full of expectations: “Be a good cultivator with heart and affection, plant a good field of responsibility with love and behavior, and do his best with the spirit of’time does not wait, seize the day and night’. Go ahead and do a good job of volunteer service and show the world the youthful demeanor of Chinese volunteers.”

(Interview and collation by People’s Daily reporter Sun Longfei)

Liu Boqiang, ice maker in Beijing Shougang Park——

Work hard and contribute

From a steel roller to an ice maker, the 42-year-old Liu Boqiang has completed a cross-border transition from fire to ice. Rooted in Shougang for more than 20 years, the craftsman, craftsmanship, and craftsmanship have been more shining and moving in the tempering of ice and fire.

In 2010, the Shougang Park completely ceased production. Since then, the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee has been stationed and the National Winter Sports Training Center has been put into operation… The clean coal workshop and coal handling workshop in the old factory area have been successively transformed into figure skating, short track speed skating, curling and ice rink halls. There have been confusions and confusions, but Liu Boqiang has been actively adapting to the transformation. In July 2017, he signed up for the ice-making technical training organized by Shougang and participated in a three-month study at the Capital Gymnasium along with 12 transferred employees.

“Holding the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympics is a major event for our country. It is my dream to contribute to the Winter Olympics,” said Liu Boqiang. If you want to realize your dreams, you can only practice your skills hard. During the training, Liu Boqiang practiced very seriously for more than ten hours a day. On weekends, he often gave up taking breaks and took the initiative to practice. In order to learn more easily from foreign ice makers, he also studied English hard. The hard work pays off. Liu Boqiang’s professional ability has improved rapidly, and he has been recognized and praised by the top international ice makers. Now he is leading the team of ice makers to provide guarantee services such as ice making, ice sweeping and ice rink maintenance for the national curling team to prepare for the Winter Olympics.

In addition to ice making, Liu Boqiang’s life has even greater gains. On September 24, 2021, Liu Boqiang gloriously joined the Communist Party of China. “Serving the Winter Olympics has changed my life trajectory. As an industrial worker in the new era, I have never felt so deeply that there is such a close connection between myself and national development and national events.” He said that he will be more Full of enthusiasm and a proactive attitude to work, make good ice for the athletes, escort them well, “continuously temper themselves, enrich various skills, and contribute their light and heat.”

(Interview by People’s Daily reporter Wang Liang)

Zeng Guoying, the young ski instructor of Guangzhou City——

Enjoy the fun on the ice and snow

Zeng Guoying, who grew up in Yunfu City, Guangdong Province, came to Guangzhou Sunac Snow World as a reception service a few years ago. At that time, she did not expect to become a ski instructor.

“I almost never saw snow when I was young, let alone skied. I was curious at the beginning and wanted to develop a hobby. After work, I would go to the snow field for skating two days a week.” She fell and her knees were bruised, but Zeng Guoying continued to practice. More than half a year later, the department had an application for coaching staff. Zeng Guoying actively applied for it. Through hard training, she successfully obtained the coach certificate and started her career as a ski instructor.

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Warming up, introducing equipment, leveling exercises, deceleration and speed control, steady direction…Zeng Guoying patiently teaches the main points to each student, and carefully guides the movements. “After getting started, most of the students will be more interested, continue to practice, and continue to refine their skills.”

Weekends, winter and summer vacations are the busiest times for Zeng Guoying. When there are many students, Zeng Guoying spends 8 to 9 hours a day in the ski resort, and he can’t even eat. When she got off work and went out of the ski resort, her hands and feet were almost frozen, “Tired and happy. Skiing is my favorite item, and my income has increased a lot.”

“In comparison, there are more students who learn veneer because it looks cooler.” Zeng Guoying’s students range from 4-year-old children to nearly 60-year-old uncles. “There are more young people. In general, There are mostly local students in Guangzhou, and some come from other places to learn.”

“In the past, many people felt that skiing was far away from them, but in recent years this sport has become more popular. Especially with the approach of the Beijing Winter Olympics, ice and snow sports have become more and more popular.” People pay attention to and love ice and snow sports, and more and more ice and snow facilities also facilitate the popularization of ice and snow sports. Nowadays, many southern cities have set up ice and snow sports venues. Friends from the south do not need to go to the north specifically, they can enjoy the fun of ice and snow sports at their doorstep, which is very convenient. “Ice and snow sports are full of passion and vitality, I hope everyone can participate in it.” Zeng Guoying said.

(Interview and collation by People’s Daily reporter Jiang Xiaodan)

Zhang Haichao, the operator of Beijing Yanqing Homestay——

The warmth of the ice and snow economy

The blue sky of Beijing in winter is like washing, and the scene of Xiaohaituoshan, the location of the Yanqing Winter Olympics, is covered in silver. At the foot of the mountain, Houheilongmiao Village, Zhangshanying Town, the former quiet small village became lively due to the Winter Olympics.

“If there were no opportunities for the Winter Olympics, the market would not be so hot.” Zhang Haichao is a local boutique hotel operator and a native of Zhangshanying. In March 2016, when he was doing business in Beijing city, he learned that his hometown Zhangshanying was planning to build a “Winter Olympic Winter Olympics Ice and Snow Leisure Town”, and decided to seize the opportunity to return to his hometown to start a business.

“The nearby ski resort is the largest professional skiing base in Yanqing. The Winter Olympics is here, and there will be more skiers. There is definitely a demand for accommodation.” Zhang Haichao led the team to renovate and rebuild the old houses in the village to build 19 A small courtyard, each courtyard is basically designed and decorated around the elements of the Winter Olympics.

“About 50% of the guests come to play in the ice and snow in winter, and it is hard to find a room on weekends,” said Zhang Haichao. Since 2016, the number of high-end homestay courtyards in Zhangshanying Town alone has grown from zero to 64. In recent years, Yanqing’s ice and snow industry has developed warmly. Since the successful bid for the Beijing Winter Olympics, Yanqing has received 11.7531 million tourists from ice and snow tourism and ice and snow sports, and the income from ice and snow sports tourism is 823 million yuan.

By the end of 2024, Yanqing will be built into an international ski resort tourist resort, with a skidable area of ​​1 million square meters and a total of 500,000 ski tourists. “Welcome friends from all over the world to come here to experience our beautiful life!” Zhang Haichao said.

(Interviewed by People’s Daily reporter He Yong)


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