Home » New symptoms with the Omicron variant: a disturbance during the REM sleep phase

New symptoms with the Omicron variant: a disturbance during the REM sleep phase

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There is a new symptom being talked about these days among those found in patients with the Omicron variant. It is a particular disorder that occurs during the REM phase of sleep.

Omicron is a variant that differs greatly from the others, not only in its contagiousness (higher) and its effects which at the moment seem less dangerous, but also for its symptoms which generally make it much more similar to a common flu with ailments related mainly to the throat and not to the lungs.

Omicron and sleep disorders

The new symptom was particularly seen in some patients in the UK and was referred to as a “terrifying” sleep paralysis. The British Health Service also spoke about it, explaining that “sleep paralysis is when you cannot move or speak while you wake up or fall asleep”. This symptom, as the Mirror also reported, occurs “when a person cannot move their muscles because they are in sleep mode while the brain is active. It can affect people at any stage of sleep and sometimes even cause hallucinations such as sensation that someone is pushing you down. “

However, the British health system has ensured that it is a harmless ailment, lasting a few seconds and without consequences. Experts are now evaluating whether in addition to being closely linked to Omicron it is also related to the stress caused by the changes caused by the pandemic.

The most common symptoms of Omicron

Some studies have already been conducted on the symptoms of Omicron. According to the latest research conducted by King’s College London in collaboration with the company Zoe and published in the British Medical Journal, there are 5 most common symptoms: in addition to a runny nose and a sense of fatigue, there are also headaches, sneezing and sore throat. Loss of smell and taste, on the other hand, are much more common to the other variants and therefore less noticeable with Omicron.

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